The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 12, 1897, Image 3

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A Longing.
Sing mo a song, my fan "
A song tlmt is will! an "eo,
'Till tlio waves roll over tne meadows
And tliu willows bow to mu,
And the clouds scud by
In the llceked sky,
And a biiow-show'r falls from'tlm wilding tret).
Paint me a scone, my fancy,
A scent' of the long ago,
Till tlio old fiirm-houso in tlio shallow
Looks out from tho maple row,
And n form now still
On a I'liurt'li'crowned hill
With her knitting sits in the doorway low.
J. l Boost Bit.
A Kose and a Ruby.
1 plucked a rose that blossomed in a vale,
All wet with dew and blushing deeply red,
And carried it with roveroiuial lovo
To one who blushed as red as any rose:
She held my rose in her unjuweled hands;
She softly raised it to her laughing lips
And embed its red and green upon her breast.
Then if I could. I would have givon worlds
To teach my rose to blush a deeper red.
I found a ruby, glowing richly red
Mid hugest crngs, below great canon walls
In rushing mountain-water, bouud tho gem
In yellow gold and brought it to my lovo:
Sim plsued my gift on one all-willing hand;
Mie luuglii.(l to seo its warm light Hush full red
AfjahiKL the gold and then draw on her glove.
A hundred miles I walked to find tho thiug
And then I wished it were a simple rose.
JoBKl'II A. Saugent.
Notes anil Observations.
Before wo go clean daft over college
settlom nit schemes why doesn't some
wiy p po and advocate the founding
ofBueli im institution right in om- midst,
torlUo enlightenment of our own heath
en, and tho uplifting of the degraded!
ouppoao now the college settlement or
Kwizers should call together a band of
respectable people whose business it
should be to spend a largo portion of
their time in tho north wing of the libra
ry, ondeavoring to secure by example
what preaching and pleading and pound
ing have failed lo secure. Suppose this
little settlement was instructed to show
by mcok example that it really is not
nice for a Hock of pretty girls, even
though decorated with the whole Greek
alphabet to sit around a table and chat
tor, chatter, chatter, that it is not so ele
vated as it seems for a fair maiden to sit
on a table swinging her pretty number
seven feet while she talks to a friend. It
might bo shown that it is contrary to a
spirit of christian brotherhood for A to
got up and throw his chair at B and try
a boxing match with C-even in tho north
wing of tho library. It could even be
proved, I judge, that the sum of all
morality is not to bother your neighbor
when he is peaceably doing his best to
fulfill tho requirements of sixteen or so
of tho most ardently inspired professors
that ovor taught. Lot us have a college
settlement at homo. I'd give a uickle to
help pay tho salaries, of those who would
sacrilico their lives in tho work.
If I were a senior, a real lonajitla son
ior, whom tho dear faculty had with
much reluctance permitted to pass into
tho doubtful portals of tho second semes
ter, there are several things I think I
should do and not do. Of course I should
not tell my bosomest friends how I
squeezed through the faculty key-hole
and proved in black and white that I had
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