The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 12, 1897, Page 10, Image 10
HnHIPjPb -,.! tP"1 "A'ftf -h. "3- 'fVfWJifr K'SFWJKKTW "Tw rT'"WT y"' ' SBK?'V T HE H E S lJ K K 1 A N kv ; Comfort to California. Every Thursday evening, a tourist d ian sleeping car for Salt Lake City, Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha and" "Lincoln via the Burlington Route. It is carpeted ; upholstered in rattan ; lias spring seats and backs and is pro vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman por ter accompany it through to the Pacific coast. While neither as expensively finished nor as fine to look at as a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second-class tickets are honored and the price of a berth, wide enough and big enough for two, is only $5. For a folder giving full particulars, call at the B. & M. depot or city office, corner of 10th & 0 streets. Geo. W. Bonnell, 0. P. & T. A. A. KRONER, The Leading Hatter & Furnisher A complete assortment of Hats, Caps, ' Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear,, Un derwear, Hosiery, etc., at popular prices.-- mk io pr. ct. Dis. to Students. 030 0 St STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. Barber Shop and Bath Rooms Special Rates to Students W. A. MILLER, : : : : : J 22 North nth Street. Richards Blk. Nebraska Pants uit Company 1217 O St. West Half of Trunk Factory Pants to order $3.50, $4, $5 and up Suits, $18, $20 and up Cloaking, Overcoating and Vesting Goods'by the yard. All work first-class and guarantees! A Wonderful Advance in Mandolin Making. The Now 18!)7 Washburn Mandolin is creating a pbrfect furor among artists and amateurs It is so far ahead of any mandolin ever heretofore con structed that it never fails to awaken the most en thusiastic encomiums, and expressions of surprise mingle with the praise, for the new Washburn man dolin fait ly over steps the lino of expe tut ion, arid' With its rich melow tone mat ks out a field of its own. How the makers of the Washburn achieved this triumph is an interesting story It seems that a year ago they began a series of experiments hav ing in vjew the production of a mandolin tone liner than anything the world hud yethiard. First, nil the experts in their employ were called u on for idas and designs. Then, having gotten a special studio tilled with plans and models, invitations were sent out to prominent mandolin playeis, tiaeliers and connoisseurs to nssi t in the work. Expense was notspai'fd Some of the most valuable ideas came from th. great mandolin solo sis such men as Toniaso. Shadier, Welis, Hest, Sutorius Hazen, Ronton, Turney, Page, etc , etc , and it is hardly too much 10 say that nearly ill the available mandolin talent of the country contiibuted something to the new 1807 Washburn Model Mondolin .S today it stands upon a pinacle raising a new standard of mandolin excellence. Fr tlm tmie it has) been be fore the pul lie its sales are phenomenal. A beauti ful new catalogue (fully illustrated) telling more about this mandolin, and alto giving full particulars of the I8i7 models of Wahburu guitars, banjos and zithers, mar bo had by addressing Lyon & Healy, Chicago Chicago Musical Times. Mfht -thh.'.ff nvs.'vr rmtvM'nnri ji !4?Ss2s.'i2V" iu todht Why PoYWplYr aUSUiam Wo Home is Really Complete WltUoHt a new 1897 Model Prices have Tccn scaled down as res nit of the Washburn's enormiumpopularity so that no w enn buy a Bcnulne -Washburn of the very latest aesis From $15.00 Upward. The new Wailibnrn Mandolin is a JUegw ure from former styles. It ,s the neatest, da in"J and llchtest Mandolin Imaginable, and "stone v imnche, very neat tolhat of ane W Crem 11 n. WafcUiiuniH are m.uI Jtii-a yl" . prices by all "rst-class n.uslc dealers every W'lere ahlihurnsarethe iickimwledRedftan aroo 1 world. 1 Ley are used exclusively by the !"", Artibth, Teachers -and Glee Clubs. 0r nw 10O burn catalogue containing portraits of over x Artists, mid full Information, Pr'cu'iSion. etc., will be sent free on recefpt of -a Pt" cat o n. your local dealer cannot supply, V" S-minatlon, Washburns C. O. D. wlllt privilege of examinauui , direct from the factory. A Washburn improves yltit jff ;"! CHft that Increases In fe asthe yew E u It Is really worth maHy times ?ts cost. LYON & HEALY, Center Wabash Ave. adAiw St., CfclcsE ! n ?T rmitfdiMmii, H