" imWWfT'' TH.E Ii BSRER1AN 0 Bixby's Retreat. Before slates were invented the human race multiplied on tho face of the earth. Congdon: Say, Charlie, why does true love grow cold? Taylor: Well I suppose it's "because 'Love never found its earthly close.' TIE WORKED HIS WAY. He burrowed deep into his history notes Those gems from Thucydi.jes, Ranke and Grote And as 1 stood over his working-bench tlierc 1 could hear midst the leaves his low muffled swear. Still deeper lie went the night was far spent But this martyr persistent dared not to relent. All sileni now, hush, tread softly, speak low For that huy hive is a sepulchre now. IVaee to his ashes he paid learning's price He's playing his noies up in Paradise. Who had a dream a dream of fame? Speaker Gaflin. Aud vowed to earv.s himself a name? ... Speaker Gafliu. lio shook dull slumber from his eyes, Aud roused himself in statesman gufeu r legislation. Webster- wise? .. ., Speaker Gaflin. ttliodipp,.d his quill in Diamond dye? M. . . . Speaker Gaflin. Mixed with a quart of Lewis' ljo? ,. . Speaker Gaflin. jo write a pass-word to the pit J'Tfoot-hall and the friends of itV holl puss his mongrel measure, nit? Speaker Giifliu. And now it appears, some reformer out at Uathany has begun to rail against me student practice of tossing. 1 wore a neighbor of that man Wh!,?uuuou,d'eon,oacrw,8l,fl, "" half a dozen to "lend a'hau'' J wouldn't do a thing but toss Hum BONNET NO. JJ-JJUAIH'. TiU !" mM thiH h uud mHh and -roar, V n, 1', I,feMf curth Ivum H,, shorn, e t ,o tulUu i tllB Jlbl. nm.c or lbe,doorV Uiilii and Vulcan having a war? Aie w i fl mom,B roavnR 00.eV J.;aKatts5opl.yr passing o'er? a . of meteors downward pour 0rSvrrW,bjrl,,Bo,ol,0II08,to"' WvlnffaHpatwUllMoon,, ' a l" let loose on the second floor. T used to wish that I were rich And owned about half a town, But now IM be a Senior girl And look so sweet in cap and gown. Notes From Other Colleges. Harvard won the annual debate over Princeton. The Senior Laws of Yale College have adopted regulation Senior caps and gowns. Chapel attendance is compulsory one day of each week at the university of Chicago. It is a singular fact that no college in all England publishes a college paper, while over two hundred American col leges publish periodic journals. The tendency some of our exchanges exhibit of becoming semi-professional by the reckless use of electrotype matter should be combatted. Crimson White. Arrangements are being made to or ganize an inter-collegiate basket ball lea gue, the colleges exjpeeted to be repre sented being Harvard, Yale, U. of P., Princeton, Columbia, Dartmouth, Brown, Amherst, Swarthmore, and the Univer sity of Chicago. Vidette Reporter. The winner of the recent oratorical contest at Wabash College has been found to have plagiarized one of Dr. Ly man Abbott's sermons. But he won on the point of delivery, the judges having marked him down on composition and thought. He is to be expelled, but the judges are beyond discipline. Cornell Daily Sun. This ' 'effect" is recommended to be ginning students in English Literature. Prep, (young, but observing) "Say, is there any place where you can got post age stamps without going way down to tho post office?" Lordly senior. ' 'Why the Co-op keeps them.1' Prep. "Yes, but you have to pay three cents apiece forthexn, dont you? ) V .- ft. 7- -. . i - WrfJlJ