w. U" rp F II W li K S P F K I A N !) Iiixby ' s Rctrca t . Happy Now Year! 11 T will fight it out on. this lino if it takes all summer." Grant. "L am not now and novor have boon afraid of a f rat." Miss Bullock. Kansas Anticipation. K'ominutilciilod.l Im l)i)iuul lo be :in orator, Ami cause an agitation; And set the world Hiiro, or haVe A similar conflagration I'll lie renowned I'or my big words, M,y large syllabilicatioti; And take the crowds by storm because I've a liie art iciilation, With gestures wild I'll saw the air, And p.irt tliH winds asunder; I'll make all people woc.p, or swear As I buleli forth my thunder, If I but have, a chance to work My dear enunciation, I'll out do all tho Knglish Profs, And captivate the Nation. Caution -Kuiuiliarize yourself with a gas meter In-fore you M-ml in y(,ur next brilliance,! An open letter to tho stilt legislature Dear Sir: -l have jnst learnorl that you are in session, ,m us vou aro ti10 doctor, Plwisnlistpii. I wish to catalog some of Hi" nei'ils (.foir school house Now J. i) ii M' h i I) Hui obliged to wear that sif sinihi for over three years; Pinkor mi's patronizing pose is phivod; Olom ,,,l' wjiHllo is still wilh us; l)r. Clark's 'll'"1 s"ii is frayed at the edges; Mie stops 1, l' -hnpi stage are worn to splinter; l, I'otloiiis luivo dropped out of several 01 Hv- Wolfe's potsehemes; Prof, liam '"' "ustomary greeting is odd and 11 "less; ami unless rolicl' comes soon Miss h,,1MS' lmtilim5(J wi bu oxi,austed. KUyKiuiit the budget as asked for W an added touch of generosity in ,,lr Apartment" and immortalize yonrMvos in thoeyesof your constituents and 'nil'.' (' I always loved t7.7si.ool ma'am, " tl'i' bring us joy .mch yom-;- ut I nive to say in candor '"'''f'''' "in ..wti girls here "I'was Nkvkk This. Tho reading-room is crowded now While I to chapel hie. The chapel seats are empty and I heave an inward sigh To think of forms that yet survive Long after spirits die. UlIUHN DICTUM. At the dairyman's exhibit, (Where our soldiers swiped the cheese) There was said a quaint decision--You may hear it if you please, l'or those wise and august judges There this briet decision utter: "Know ye, friends, a William-goat is Our only honest butter." Prize stories and poems for '1)8 Som brero must be handed in by dan. 13. A. S. Harding addressed the teacher's nsssociation at Union, Nebr., this week. .1. V. Searson was to have given the ad dress but, owing to lack of time, was un able lo fill the appointment. Friday night the Dolians will devote half their time to Inaugural exorcises and tho rest to a miscellaneous program. Thoro will be some special music numbers. University Gym. Shoes 72c a pair during our J ofr sale. Foot Form Store, 1213 0 St. Comfort to California. Every Thursday evening, a tourist sleeping ear for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha and Lincoln via the Burlington Koute. Jt is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and backs and is pro vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap etc. ' n experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman por ter accompany it through to the Pacini coast. . . , , While neither as expensively finished nor as fine to look at as n palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second-class tickets are honored and the price oi a berth, wide enough and big enough tor two, is only f). For a folder giving full particulars, ,.H at tho Ii. & M. flopot or city ollicc, (.on,er of 10th & 0 streets. (ro. W. Bonnki.u ('. P. &' A. I 1