The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 08, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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VH K H RS P 10 i I A X
Mr. Cutter of Humboldt, attended the
teacher's meeting last week.
N. C. Abbott '96 of Nebraska City,
spent Christmas with his parents in the
A. C. Pancost of Ashland, was eleeted
assistant teacher in the L. H. S. A. C.
will carry some work in the University.
F. D. Eager '93, a rousing member of
the debating clubs, is now elected chief
clerk of the House in the Nobraska Legis
lature. I. II. MoGufly 'Ob' of Nebraska City,
was circulating among the teacher's last
week. Wo observe that ,1. II. has not
lost any of his ability for "wire pulling"
since he left the University as was shown
by his efforts in making Mr. Crabtree
president of the teacher's association.
Miss Winfiv.l Hartley of Norfolk, and
Ms Ucriiice ort of the fern Tormal
school, sppnt the holiday rcess with Miss
Julia Wort. On New Years day the
joung ladies gave a "taffy pull'' party,
The guests, Misses Hartley, Korsmeyer,
Wilkinson, Wiltie and Melick report a
most delightful timo.
The College Republican published at
Cambridge .Massachusetts oilers $20 in
gold for jM.jZ0 Gsays on some phase of
'epuhlicanism. Competition is open to
j"'' caudi.late for a degree in any eol-
or university i the United States,
rorfiivtlw...;..! L-
n. ,V1 "niiuiion can ouoradarcss
A- K. Mnfson, the university,
ihe Palladiaus will have a short an.
S)1(:y l'"Wnm Friday evening. Pre-
phng the inaugural address of Mr.
Jlp- Miss Bullock will give a farewell
'"Wrww, If sho scold or praise the audi-
ei i expected to shed crystalline tears.
MeMidmol will give- a medlev. Mr.
tsou will toll Qf h.8 tr.p tQ Uanl-on aiid
"l h said to Major McKinley. The
Ingram will be closed by a debate bo
mi MwHr- Jonos and Jorgenson.
Prof. Ifosslor attended the late meeting
o'f the modern language association held
at St. Louis. He was prominentia some
of the discussions before the association.
Among the new members admitted to
the association wero Prof. J. "W. Adams
and Miss Conklin of the university.
A number of Unions together with one
lone Palladian and one lone Dealian met
with Miss Pempster at "'J he Bower,'' to
watch for 1897. About twelve o'clock
they were rewarded by his appearance,
tho meantime having been spent in lis
tening to Henry Yi'nterson's lecture,
playing games, enjoying refreshments
and trying to avoid the mistletoe.
Tho two evangelistic bands sent out by
the Y. M. C. A. are back and report
good success. They had peculiar dilli
culties to meet but the result of th ir
work is the determination of thirty p -o-ple
to lead christian lives, and a gr d
awakening in christian interest in I ho
towns they visited. Four of tho bind
from Sterling leftonthe midnight fro ght
and got into town at 3 o'clock Mon lay
morning. The other two wailed until
Monday afternoon. The band from
Staplehurst were snowbound for two days
and got here Tuesday afternoon. Boili
bands were royally entertained.
Tho Nebraska State Historical Society
will meet on .January 12 and 13 in even
ing sessions. Thoj general subject for
discussion is ''The Legislature of 18.35."
Among the papers to be read at tho
meeting is one prepared by Hon. .1.
Storling Morion, the president of the
society. Mrs. MacMurphy of Omaha
and Koscoe Pound of Lincoln, will read
papers. Tho first is on "Tho Women of
T5"tho second on"Tlio Sons and Daugh
ters of Nebraska. "Tho meeting will close
with a discussion on ".The liostilts of
this Pioneer Session from a Legal Point
of Wow." Some of the most eminent
jurist of the stato are expected to partic
ipate iu this discussion.