s matter of congratulation 'mi 11 ' ITT iij a for ourselves to see the way our student friends return to us for their wearing apparel. Tt is the strongat of endorsements. To the new boys we would say that we claim to have the "best eqnipied Clothing Establishment in the city. 0ur store is full of the best manufactured Keady to Wear ("Uothinp. Furnishings and Hats. We have the best tailor shop in the city "unquestionably PAINE, WARFEL & BUMSTEAD, !l36 o street twm mukmm Telephone 199 It, Ml mmwm 327 Nor$h 12th St. mmmm 'fz&Tip.'ret ;tv Book Sto rg College Text Books -and- aoent for tme Students' Supplies WATERMAN FOUNTAIN' PEN rr rrr rt w..n.i H. W. Brown, 127 South Klfvonrh si ?wi Druggist and mookseWer