A Til K II KS T K R 1 AN . (i. il. lloimrad went to Omaha to at t oiid a meeting of the Aksarbens. The Glee Club have purchased dress suits and had their pictures taken last Tuesday. Miss Florence Smith will bo able to re sume her work as assistant librarian aftor holidays. The last number of Science contains a long article on the work done by our botanical seminar. The November "Home Monthly," NVilla Outlier's magazine, contains stories by Miss Hopper and Mrs. Peattie and a poem bv Viiliam Reed Dunrov. Saturday evening the Palladian boys debating club had an extended parliamen tary "scrap." It lasted from 8 to 9:30, leaving but thirty minutes for the regular debate. It is said that at the meeting of the Association of Oollege Presidents of the Middle West, to be held in Madison Dee. 14, a proposition will be made to abolish foot-ball entirely from the list of college sports. A foot-ball gnnie between Yundcbilt and the U. of Nashville wound up in a general melee in which the spectators and police took part. An exchange comments as follows: "It is hoped that the public will view the 'deplorable occuranco' in a common sense way and see that foot-ball was in no way the cause of the difficulty, the game being merely the occasion " Mr. Studd, of London, who has been in Lincoln attending the Y.M. 0. A. con vention, led chapel Monday. Mr. Studd has been a missionary to China for ten years, and of course is thoroughly ac quainted with the ways of that country. In a short speech ho emphasized the need of the Christian religion in China, describ ing vividly the horrors of paganism and relating instances of lives reformed by the acceptance of Christianity. 77c Electrical Engineers. Tho Society of Electrical Engineer mot in regular session last Saturday night. Tho special features for Charter Day in to bo lights and decorative work. The younger members carried the day and tho boys are to have their pictures in the Junior Annual. Aftor the short business meeting the boys were treated to an interesting lecture on "Country Trolleys" by Prof. Brown. He gave a detailed account of the con struction of such a road terminating in Fredricksburg, Maryland. The Professor was one of the constructors and therefore could give the boys accurate information on the subject. This is the lirt of a series of lectures to be given before the Society during tho year. The Society Programs. The Unions will have a special pro gram their semi-annual musicale. At the PalladTan. Frank Miller will read a paper on "Old Mexico,'' giving an account of his trip in that land last sum mer. The history of the Pall. Goose will bo brought to light for the first time. It has boon wrapped in mystery but tin1 muse has at last revealed the facts ami Miss Anthony will toll of its birth ml purpose of existonce. The Dolians wilThavo recitations by Messrs. Davis, KoDt and Barter; tory by Miss Graham, sketch ljy Mr. Willinm description of the "Devil's Tower" by Mr. Gates and verses by Mr. Sargent. A KHIBKD OK JAMES IIUSSISLIj LOVETJ There is some follow taking Englte h Literature (5) who is cooler than a ""'' heart. Ho took the copy of Lowell's "My Study Window" which had been assign?" as a regular reading for a class of sovora hundred students. He tore out the refer-onoe-rending and returned the rest of tin1 book.