JJHE 'gjTpp mmm UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XXVI LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 10. lSflO. No VK Books Wanted for College Settle ment. Any one having books or any kind of literature which thoy nro willing to donate to tho Collego Sottlemont, will plcnso loavo snmo with Mr. Wostorinan at tho office or notify Mabel Rickets orG. H. Hose. Books suitable for children and youths uro especially desired. More sup plies nro absolutely necessary it' tho work is to be carried on properly. Class Ear Marks. A kind contributor makes tho follow ing timely suggestions in regard to class insignia: "I would go farther than most I'foplo, 1 would see every mother's son, "very father's daughter of us so clothed that there could bo no mistaking our in tollectunl gradation. There are hun ,lwls of ingenious, characteristic devices a widu-nwako student body might perfect. 110 electrical engineers might wear PocKot-battory-incandoscont lamps for Wtons, the civil engineers could carry ficarlet and cream flag-poles for canes, J, "Snculturnlists could wear chrysan uomuins of cold-slaw and could grease n7' shoes witli unsalted butter, tho bot miste could wear any old weeds, and our fro, lr.r0tors coul(1 daelo brass rings om their noses. Our soldier boys have ady electrined Lincoln with their coat Ho?!, mmdimj brass- my 110t dd voity to the gown and mortar-board 111 tno shape of tinkling oymhuW Senator W. H. Dearing, of Cass was Z o n'Tu1 fch0 diversity last week v- . Allen. Fact and Rumor, Dean Edgron will entertain tho gradu ate club next Saturday evouing. James H. Can field has been invited to deliver tho P. B. K. oration this year. Tho College Settlement tea givon by Miss Daisy Cochrane realized a neat little sum for that organization. The Y. W. C. A. is negotiating for the leaso of the vacant lot at 14th & P for the purpose of making a skating rink. Do you eat to live or live to oat? In either case go to Merchants Dining Hall, 11 and P. Meals at all hours; from 10c up. Tho alumni living in the city were re ceived by Chancellor and Mrs. MacLeau Monday evening. Over a hundred were present. Manager Oury has heard nothing from Galveston in regard to tho proposed trip of tho foot-ball team through Texas. Tho trip will probably be dropped for this year. Ferdinand V. Peck has offered to do nate prizes amounting to $150 anually to tho Northern Oratorical Loaguo of Iowa. Possibly our Asssociation might bo in induced to accopt a similar gift. Tho Crimson-White (U. of Ala.) says: "President Canfiold of tho Ohio Univer sity thinks students should send their college paper regularly to their parents, as it would save time and be less expen sive and more regular than letters, to say nothing of the greater interest." It will cost you only half a dollar to send the Hebpektan home for the rest of the year. 3 "Si