The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 03, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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A Suggestion from the Registrar.
To the editor of the Hesperian: Will
yon kindly allow me to say a few words
to the student Tenders of yonr paper?
There seems to be a growing careless
ness on the part of students about leaving
their street number at the registrar's
office. Strangers inquiring for student
Mends are frequently sent blocks away.
only to find that they have moved, leav
ing no trace of their new home, and all
the time that can be spared is consumed
in a vain search for them. But students
should remember that more than pleas
ant tinting is sometimes involved. Not
many Miorjiiugs ago, a message of a death
mmjH to a student. The guide was sent
one imh from the University yard to the
room indicated on his registration card;
but ib- bud hanged his room and when
Ih'toik found, and thi University was
waclwlL 4 he messenger had walked thirty
btoelw, whereas but ten would have meas
iurH(!l dib distance, had the registration
bapju .cwmtfed.
An htipmimni tejegram may come to
any students at any moment, and She
uuiwvty h helpfe to assist you onles..
you Wp your registration corrected, to
wrr&Hwtul with your changes f resi
dftUtta, wul a little carelessness in that
wwttw may eoi you heavily.
Very sincerely,
Eujbx Swim, Registrar.
77 Appropriation.
The bhwmjai anpaign for the Univer
y aiMnwpriation a about to begin.
he4.u,al willll be decided at the next
mejjt tlbt needs of the University
m hi mjia'&d and laid before the law
mmi. Nether the Chancer nor any
fl will do any personal lobbing
r ihi' IVj wjwgiy . The whole work will
be carried on the theory that if the actual
needs of 1 be University are clearly pre
sented in detail, the legislature will 1m
willing to givt the required appropriation.
The Alumni will be called upon to assist
in the campaign and a committee will be
appointed to direct the work of the stu
dents with their home representatives.
The V. M. C. A. Convention.
The convention of the Nebraska Y. M.
0. A. opens this evening with addresses
by Gov. 9olcomb ami Chancellor McLean
It promises to be the best ever held in
the state. The program bears the names
of inany of the foremost Y. M. C A. men
in the country. Friday evening L. Wilbur
Messer will give his illustrated lecture on
"The Unity of our Work." Saturday
afternoon C. C- Michenerwill address the 4
convention on 'The Y. 31. C. A. in our
Colleges." The sessions are held in the
Association building.
The Regents meet early this mouth.
This will be Recent Rosewater's last
meeting, his term expiring Jan. 1. Thos.
Row! ins takes his place.
M r. H. i Peterson was married Nov.
SL io Miss Johanna Vernstedt, of
Steiglifcz-bei-Berlin, Germany. Mr. Pe
terson has just finished his studies for
doctor's Aaree at Leipsic and will return
t-o Lincoln and resume his place in the
University about the first of the year.
MJrd i wv&siUium, an rl3es wJutf,
SJlwul JJW.W auve We nougn Wax yuu siti
ttemA m vxre iu WeAiSgm$ '4
toe lilt ekuiiMiu i W$ kpy HwowJ
WJjwS of We unworn, tu nfoy flight..
TTCradfitw Jibuti tbntagii We day Atui We mgiii;
i & auud u Wronh We vauult&wi Mua
TiwWrt amhinA ,aSJ3a: We Jj;Jajr jbrnugb
tt'wl vi We sMWtiiD farewell W Jjj,wu
OS H We Mh f a mWem .
&ov Mid vSiitfo wtmiiiaiM tiar tut mure
'iW ifou dfrt nwm trnn WM uoa$' Autre.
tAHtiawA W. itrttutm'