1mjS KM r-i -iir-i t rrx x - - v3 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vim. XXVI LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, DECtiMHtill . 1898 ttcjiy "Songs of Exile, Undor this forbidding title appears the record of the sojourn among us of a transplanted poet, tierbert Bates. This little book i3 not, lot it be emphatically said, a libol upon Nebraska, or a wail of hard times and falling prices. It is, in deed a tribute to our winds and sunshine and our "Dark draws where tawniest sun flowers nod," such a tribute as no son of Nebraska has been able to bring her. The poet does not love our sunflowers. But at loast he notices them, and that is more than we have done. Perhaps it is for the 'discoverers' first to corao from the eastern sea, and find for us our wealth f unheedod treasure. Students who know the work of Mr. Hides in his four years with us will bo gll to find that the "Charter Day Ioo.n, the "Song of the Drouth," "Prairie" and other verses with which they are familiar, are included with many l'ooms that are newer, and some that are IIgi The "Baccalaureate Hymn" and the -Class Day Jdo," both of the Har vard class of '90, are of particular inter t, though "Home," -Lone God," and specially "Exiles of" Plain," which jUnkostho key note of tho book, show "Bltonlio strong, later work of the writer. "'IV Want Wolf," which appoared in theUliap Book, is as artistically gruo somo as the most fastidious taste could wafrtt. But the greater part of the poems ,lr" of the contrast between "the harsh, w'wl Hcont of the Atlantic waves," ami ,h( Plains whore .''''"''I'lt'ti Wop wicf Mr .VnirJe((j I'oh: f.i,ultiiii ami - "The goldeu sunflowers myriaH 'blos soming blaze, From hill to golden 'hill, And melt at last into thegol&on maze Of the great distance." The little book coming with its beauti ful typography and convenient size,, ancl at a price that endears it to every stu dent heart, is a special boon at-this'holi-dav time. College Settlement. Tho monthly report of the committee on College Settlement was laid beforoWie Board of Control today. The report do tails the work of the sub-committees and shows that the work is being vigorously ' pushed in all directions. The committee on Children's Depart ment entertain the children Saturday afternoons and conduct a circulating li brary for children. Plaus aro complete for a children's entertainment on Satur day afternoon before Christmas. Tho social committee will hereafter give evening socials semi-monthly. Tho entertainment committee will hold semi monthly entertainments alternating With those of tho social committee. A Christ mas entertainment, including a Christmas cantata will be given. The instruction committee has arranged for instruction in tho following branches: Gtormun, mu sic, drawing, reading, orthography, pen-, manship and arithmetic. Messrs Gutlo ben, Meier and Lango are conducting evening classes in German. Misses flodli- ran-ami PirtloVdl'begirtaSatnrday'afte noon-course in vocal music. There is n m urn iH I'll m H