THE 11ESPEKMAX 9 BLvhy's Retreat. A rolling pin gathers no "dough.' A patch on a small boy's trousers is something now under the Sun. A hallo wort reverence o'cr'mo "steals As I life's deeper fnllncs quaff; While insight, keen to mc reveal? Those preachers on the Staff. Presiding Elder Boomer ska Aud wisdom writes with conscience clear; When tired, he very wisely quits To thro' his sermon mill in gear. As there ho sits with patience rare Among this uncouth hoard While sorrow kinlcs tiis raven hair And hoarders work their hoard. And Pastor Corey's writings nil Show depth of brain and power of will Steeped in the essence of Saint Paul And clothed in superiiuturul skill. Why, I believe, dear friends, if Corey Should walk on tacks from night till dawn Or strike his thumb till bruised and sore He never once would say doggone. Oh give me patience, holy, -sweet To rise above life's rude "riff'rafr" So 1 citn got there with both 'feCt Like otheripastors on the staff. A I-'HKSIIMAN'S 'miR'AM. (Oouimtuilciited 1 0 thou mystic seminar Howl wonder what yoli lire. How long wilt thou my 'ingress 'bar And thrust mo thus 'from you iifar. Hidden mysteries you contain The proof of this is very .plain. Since men of such extensive brain Alone. can there adinittuncoigaiu. Bo itliey 'Mentl (to? -lust as nvogoioi press WiGlfcffl0wiiiigiis liuiiflofl hi: '""Milytothf. artinlcin the issue f l2 HEsMBitrAif for Nov. 2Vwetheunder- Ui'I, desire t.oVmake the following utai,,I,t--W.e -have never attempted, ;Mvoul,e !in'ocnlfc,eondeavor- k t0 'nw a new fraternity chapter. 'Qwv&u 'OiliOWFJKS, P Q?T. TfJCTMU'SOXs, Law IDcipartmcnt. Twenty-two legal elites prospective, vill dine with their mammas, out of town Thanksgiving. The Maxwell club gave the woman's suffrage question a severe shaking lip Saturday evening. ttidgley and Hyatt 'championed the cause of the lovely crea tures pro. tern, while Carr aud Babcoek Iposed in the guise of villians. The free for all debate was cut short to hear a plan proposed for the organization of a debating society down town by a Mir. Thorp, familiarly known as tiho tramp orator. After a half hours spirited discussion a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Thorp for his generous invitation but the pro posed plan to take part with him in the organization of the society was buried deeper than the hopes of Nebraska fte tpublicans last election. The new yell for the law department by JJ. ill. Wallis meets with jgenCra'! -,, vor. ti runs as follows: (( P-E, K-OB, K-E, e E-S, E-S, E-S, E M-A-N-O-A-E-B, IR E E S E. professor 13essey will: go to 'Crawford !to 'Hhe North-western association. 'Ohan--cellor MaeLean and Professor Billing will 'be at the South-western association in MeOook. 'The Political Economy club -discussed 'the Wages Pund 'tihoory Monday evening. Messrs Oil man and Thomas supported 'the doctrine and Messrs Mall and Toele attacked it. The usual parliamentary scrap in the 11. "B. 'D.'O.'tes'tedilihetparliaimentary skill of Vice-President Wager. JMic negro sufTwige question was argued mp one sideand down Wheother underlie 'leader ships of Mnraford, Ovinfton, !Ba)ir and Ynnvnlcn. Both sides claim thevietory. '3t I-1