The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 26, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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    T H K II ESPTS: R 1 A N
Miss Florence Shank is onjoyiiijz: a
visit from her mother.
S. W. Pinkorton has been elected a
member of Pershing Rifles.
Mr. Corey is rapidly recovering from
his injury and will soon be around again.
The University library -will close Wed
nesday ntfi p. rn. It will be open Friday
ami Saturday from 9 a. in. to n p. m.
The City Y. W. C. A -will give an "at" to the University girls Thanks
giving evening at the rooms on South
11th street.
Mr. !. H. McGuffy and Miss. Ora See
ley who are now teaching in Nebraska
iity wore visiting Uni. friends Saturday
and Sunday.
Don't forgot the concert of the OMinm
wu Mai" Quartette oil Dee. 4. 'The pro
ceeds go to the payment of the debt of
the Oratorical Association.
The Fanner's Voice, of Chicago has
asked for an article on our School of
Agriciilture.and the University Magazine
for one on the University in general.
fteorgo Grant Reeve, formerly of '96,
was married Nov. 0, at kelson, to Miss
Ethel Robinson of that place. Mir.
Reeve is general agent of the Chicago
Keeord for Iowa.
Kinton: "The Unions are going to
withdraw from the 'Building-association''
Muuiford. innocently: "Whyf'"'
Kinton: -Why, we've got a Mouse
ef our own now."
The English club met with Mr. Alex
ander last Saturday evening. A story
was read by Miss Walker and a sketch by
Miss Prey. Mr. Lehmer was induced to
d a poem his -first -offence" in till at
'hreetion as he -expressed it. Miss Smoy-
i d Keene Abbott gave recitations,
nie attendance, as usual, was large.
The P. B. I). C. will discuss the Income
tax Saturday evening.
The University students who attend
the 1st Presbyterian clmrch have organ
ized a Sunday School class with Mrs. F.
M. Hall as teacher.
All persons desiring shaving mugs En
graved with names, etc. for holiday
presents, leave orders before Dec. 5tih
with G. A. Webb, 1301 0 street, "Razor
handles repaired ; honing a specialty.
The annual debate between the feder
ated Literary Societies of the University
of Minnesota and the Debating League
of the University of Iowa will take place
in January. The subject chosen is the
popular election of XT. S. Senators.
The members of the embryonic "-Prat"
which we spoke of last week as meeting
at 1215 P street have taken exception to
some statements in that .item. Their
meetings are now held at the corner 16th
and P, in a somewhat more pretentious
chapter-house than we indicated. The
boys half-seriously deny that they con
template forming a fraternity, but those
who are acquainted "with this branch of
entomology know that this species of
larva never fails to hatch out a "Prat.
Dr. Heston, president of the S. 0. ag
ricultural college, visited the Union so
ciety Friday evening and was (piloted ,
around the university by one of the for
mer students of his college, Saturday
morning. Dr. Heston was elected to his
present position in August and has al
ready wrought surprising changes in that
once turbulent school. The buildings
have been renovated, the attendance has
doubled, the faculty is at peace and the
students are loyal. Dr. Heston is a man
of tine Canfiekl stamp and wiU'bufld np a
'great school if the politicians leave him