' Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Gloves Men's Underwear Men's Gloves Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Cloaks Men's Hosiery Dress Goods We claim to be headquarters for STUDENTS' DRILL GLOVES Good quality 3 pairs for 25c I ,t k hM ! VL ft t v-f 1 MILLEE & PAINE. kA MAKERS OF i Delicious Candies and Ice Cream We make al! the latest novelties in candies 12th and O St.. Funke Opera House Block. Phone 681 Try our Cracker Jack. Frosh overy day. BROWNING, KING & CO. Arc 011 deck again with the great cm feast .if bargains ever placed before a buying public Y against your own interest when 3011 pass values like these Everything new bright ami clean Al gear's styles ami patterns "No left overs" t. be offered you Nothing but the best ami at prices less than what is tskcd for old stuff. Seeing is believing ' It will pay you to investigate 200 Men's -nits, made up to wholsalc at to 00; our price in th's, the greate.-t money-saving sale on re cord, only 2.50 - y this net) 2.75 if.7f .'00 10 styles Of good substantial Men's Suits for business wear, colors gray, brown a.id nut brown plaids These suits are put together the right way and should wholsale at $r.00 per suit, our price 3.75 Men's suits for $5 People womter how we are able to sell such truly handsome and welt made suits for this price The facts are the average merchant pays al wholesale 5.50 to U.OO for these sani" suits 'While they lact only ft 00. 7.50 Isn't much to pay for a line strictly tailor made uit when you take in account the fact that the fabrics used are handsome, all wool cla worsteds, imported scotch tweeds and cheviot: tin y i-muf in round and square cut sack and cutaway f'ktylcs only 7 50 Our men's suits at 8.50,10,12.60 Are marvelous creation mid rcll-ct the best mer chant tailor work. The truth of the matter is the taitor gets credit for these suits as soon as they arc out of our store. See them. They are the kind that make friends. 18c H9c Men's Overcoats. (Jood solid overcoat, worth 9 1 5 now Men's extra heavy Ulsters Men's line Chinchilla Ulsters We will show you a wonderful assortment of mic tailor made Overcoats or Ulsters for dress " M.M, 7 5'i ami 10, that cannot be duplicated f ' '11' m.tst twice our price. (JURAT BARGAINS IN UNDEKWKAK Random Wool Underwear, good value al !JV Mn's colored merino underwear, worth 50c, Men's derby ribbedshirts and drawers, Ucc Men's camel's hair shirts and drawers, worih '. 8 Men's natural grey wool shirts and drawer, come with pearl Initio- s on shirt, drawer gussetted. cheap at l per garment, "Jjj Men.s heavy weight natural gray lambs' wool 1 w (ieuuine (Jlastenlnirg camel , hair underwear, heavy weight, double front and back, ''u 'AVl Itm-'u Kiii.ii l-nl Snilu iu ; ""' 100 I Joy's Knee I'ani Suils go al 8(10 Roy's Knee Paul Suit go at 10 Styles Roys Knee Rant Suits Special. We hcII Wilson Urns' Rimetallit Laundered White Shirt at 79c Sold by every deal-r in Lincoln at J 00 the mark is on each shirt $1.00 1(H Town Mmlo" Sc tli"1 It- pay to 'raie with Browning, King & Co. 1013 to 1019 O st. I i