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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1896)
THE rnSRT ETHAN n Bixby's Retreat, "Stolen things are sweet." Now that the heat of political excite ment has sunk to the temperature of tho reading room the young men of the uni versity will have a few spare moments in which to sow on buttons. Nowhere on the face of tho earth can a wore patient, congenial, long-suffering corps of librarians and assistants be found than those of our own university. The extremes to which Miss Jones' pa tience is oftimes tried are phenomenal, hut her constant kindness and readiness to accommodate seem to survive each day's trials no worse for the wear. No sordid pares becloud her face Slip plays the better part She eheers us all in life's mad rueo By her own happy heart. But when her spirit leaves its mold For mansions in the skj-, Sho'll have one on the street of gold Inst sixteen stories high. I'ltOK. HATES IN EXILE. Oh, exiled one. I shed a tear To know you're distant far. Your "Songs of Kxile" muesli my ear So tnucjliinjr, i(,( t,ey an). I read them to a friend of mine Who wept big w,.,jpfl f)f fiaity bl.jne I feel the pathos cropping out rroni every gilded page; I ln'iii in rythm your genius shout priceless heritage. We'n. proud of you, our hearts beatfreer i know you've thrown those wheels in gear. f) speed from Now York exile uursod We need you here tliis fall- I'll lnw witli themes in red immersed "yoiii'iui hear my gull. I'll auk the regents u restore i '"d Ink friend of days of yore.. ECHOES FItOM THK 0BHATB8. Ilittt, honorable judges, has nothing to do with the question than a Ting " J PiB s nose has to do with Ins eapa "ty tor swill." poriy. i.ZU!'did W0 unnex Sfc' Domingo at the 'W," f Gen. Grant?" aslced Burt; then answered with an odd wag of his head, "No, indeed wo sqnelchod her. " "Honorable judges, twenty years ago, where Lincoln stands today, the buffalo and thecayote, held unrivalled swav." Toby. "Shall wo, sir. extend our territory either north or south? '' queried Burt. "Imagine an Icelander and a briefly clad negro chasing each other about the polls with an American ballot in their hands." "No sir, on the contrary, I agree with other leading statesmen upon this ques tion." Baker. "And so sir," said Bob Graham en tirely leaving the floor for a moment, "you had better go study your diction ary. ? Comfort to California. Every Thursday evening, a tourist sleeping car for Sail Lake City, San Francisco and I vos Angeles loaves Omaha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route. Jt is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and hacks and is pro vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman por ter accompany it through to the Pacific coast. While neither as expensively finished nor asfine to loolc at as a palace sloqper, it is just as good to ride in. Second-class tickets are honored and the price of bertJh, wide enough and big enough for two, is only $5. Wor a folder giving full particulars. call. at the IS. & M. depot or city office, corner of 1'Oth & 0 streets. Wno. W. Bokkibj;l, 0. P. &T. A. 'We aire ih cad quarters for fountain pens Wo sdll iem and guarantee them from G9c to $5 each. If onv pens are not sat isfactory we will return you your money. H. TtapoLflTinwrcn & TV).' i i