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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1896)
mm- UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. 'it ii Vol XXVI LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 19. 1S96. N o.? The Hespebiak Iutl WUy Vy Jlie IIkm-kihw AwooiATiosof Uic PniTcrMty of Neliraa TERMS OF SUKSGUII'TIOX One cojiy, im college year lin advancei iie copy, one Minet4'r . - Miveuti-ino Kti on atomc-ation fl.OCI Al.UJUVI AVIl KX-STIMiKM. "IwW eadeuvor will le made to make The HnrcitixN inter ChtluK to farmer ttjdnnts. Please -enil m your Mibs-oriptionh. "ul'crtjittoMoiiourtul:. -will Jk? continued ntH or dered ejijitd AdAm all oiinumiloalion Jo Tn: Hlm-kujan, Culveivll- wt Xefo-asVa, Uwooln. Xelirasfca. BOARD OF EDITORS. -TON as H. LE3N ". Ehitok in-Chikk ASSOCIATES 14 J 3"Kfc,Y . . EnmmiAi. J A sk;&ct .- . . LmsitABV MABEL UKMIVSrEl! . - . Local JAAM - - - Local - A MoK .... JyO0AI- AXXA 4 JUsOWS . . AI.UMM JT. fiEEOY - . Aihletic V'G K1XTOX - - Exchange JOSEPH F. BOOMER . ttpSIXESS MAXACEE liw lui- IVtlladimi Society Mih. TIwhia Koixocx Sua Mr. Jonx Boosk J'j i v ,. Vttm Society ' J AMKUOX Sw Mks AXXA AXEBSOX pm u .. Delia ji Sorawly ij Y w' " A J' M3sM.ab TUwubs Set-. Mi; 3Iaixiax Sore? Mo- 15 m. Ul sS" " W-Lank Sw., E B. Pituity 77w Oratorical Association. ih Mr. C. M. Barr in stferenee lo that .-v w3j5 fiMwni, the oratorical wn. The association is in debt "i will probably reajajn 5n -eW nnfi , disbands, unless assisted from other sources. It is an open question whether "college oratory" ought to be encouraged or not. This peculiar kind of eloquence could not hold a miscellaneous audience together fifteen minutes. The contests seem to have developed a style that must be un learned when the onitor enters the con tests of real life. But whatever may be thought of this, it is evident that our state association must go under. For years it has been an object of contempt and pity. Three colleges have already withdrawn and our students have lost all interest in its con tests. The local association cannot sup port itself unless a barb-frat scrap is got up for its benefit every year. The expen ses of the state association are as heavy as before, with only two institutions to pay them. Our debt will grow as long as we remain in the association. Evi dently the time has come for us to pay n p and quit. If it is thought desirable to continue these oratorical contests, it is probable that an association could be formed with the universities now in the foot-ball league. Such an association would be less expensive and more respectable. Bixby has recovered and smilingly sug gest thai Oov. Iloleomb will be good presidential timber for 1SMM1: Twa he lhat struck the fatal blow across our aching kidney, and laid the grand old party low from Omaha to .Sidney. Twa his voice, resonant and strong, pleading the cause of Billy," that -swept the prairie hills along, and knocked Nebras ka sill v." 1: '.' ill u 1 v W 'H ' it i i if m ft m im ?i ti i lli i 1fel