I IT Vnjr 8 THE II ESP UK 1 A N i r: - - ' SS." fr $W- The Hesperian lsmed Weekly by the Hebpkiuan Association of the University of Nebraska. TKItMS OP SUBSCRIPTION One cony, nor college year )ln advance) One copy, ono semester . . AnVKIlTHINII KaTKHON Al'J'I.lOATION 1.00 .IV) ALUMNI A.NK B.-8TUlKNTt. Siceltil endeavor will bo made to liiuke Tiik IIkhikuian inter estliuto former btmtents. I'luaso Mind uh your mibscriptioug. Jay-jjubscrlpllonso.i our book will bo continued until or dered stopped . Address all communications to Tiik Hkni'kiiian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. BOARD OF EDITORS .ION AS H. hKlN ASSOCIATES 8. .1. CORKY .) A SvKUKjn'T MAKKL DEMPvSTKR A A CIIVHAM 10 A MOORK ANNA Ik.-K HOWS O. T. Rl-iKDY W. i KINTUN JOSKI'H P. HOOMKK IMltorlu chief pro toin. KlUTOK I-OlliKK Iiitouial I.1TKUAKY LOCAL Local Local Alumni Auilktio kxoiianok HlJSIN KSS .Ma X AOKH Piilhulinn Society - Pius. Miss I'loka Hullook Sim-. Mr John Hoosk" Union Soi-iety , PlUS. .J. P. Oa.MBUON See MisS'ANNA ANDBUSON Dcliuii Souit'iy " ' l.'ttis. U. H Allkn mio. Hauuibt Paokaim Y. '.v. (5. A. Pits. Miss Mak Rhodks Sou. Mis'. MakiaN'Noybs Y. M. C. A. Pi'cs. Mr. 1) M. Davis Sho. KnjrM-h Clul) Pre?. Mis Amv Rhwnku Sims. H. G. Siikdd Political I couoiiiy Club Pre , D. W. Lamb 8h, E It. Pkkky Atlilot'u; Association Pros .1. P. Camkuon Sup. It N.Poktbu with thou) that it is quite easy to see what can be done to aid them. The work has been well organized this year under the planning of Mr. Searson and Miss Brunei-, and good results aro expected. What is needed now is the hearty co-operation of the student body. This is a work that every one ought to bo interested in. It not only gives us an opportunity , for doing home practical good while, in school, but it is just the kind of work that will enlarge our sym pathies and views of life. -. We notice by the exchanges that Mis souri and sonic of the other schools designate the V.irsityboys as the wearers of the "red and white." It is too bail that the Missouri people are so color blind. The. idea of getting retl mixed up with scarlet and white with cream. The person who could not distinguish the dif ference would surelv lw unable to tell a potato from ti "Murphy" or uSoplionwro from a wise man. Perhaps some of our own dear rooters have, been behind and have worn instead of our ' own dear old colors, Vert and white. We hoxo such is not the case and we feel quite coniidcnt that should thuy come on the campus with such an outrageous counterfeit, even the laboratory cat -would not recognize them as university people. If we are go ing to have scarlet and cream for eolois, lot us wear scarlet and cream and not a substitute. Editorial. TiiRitK has been no more worthy work undertaken by the students and faculty than the College Settlement. Starting as an experiment, the work has grown until it now has both foundation and deh'niteness. The great trouble of work of this kind, is to find just what the poo plo to be helped need.- The work of the students among the people of this class (has brought them into such close touch , Ouii toam will have to work tooth and nail in order to come iu sight of the pennant now, Nothing short of an old fashioned "three dozen. to nothing" score against Iowa on Thanksgiving Day will givo us a chance at the much coveted trophy. But, there's the rub. Jowa sterns to have, different ti.nbr than u3ual this year. ttoretofore she has .boon the weakest team hi the association, but thU season Kans.os.and Missouri both have (