The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 12, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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1200 T St. for good bonnl.
Ifldgnr Banghart's mother is sick.
Wluit 's the.mnttor with Whipple's
Prank Miller is around again after a
week's illness.
Miss Florence Shank's mother will
spend Thanksgiving with her hore.
Pinkerton Boarding .Club, 1200 T St.",
right across from Nebraska Hall.
Prof. Taylor has arranged to offer the
course in municipal government the sec
ond semestor. All who took the work
last year are enthusiastic in praise of it.
A. .1. Weaver, '),"), and J. H. Johnson,
'JW, will form a law partnership soon at
Suit Lake City. Both young men wero
shaking hands with university friends
during election week.
Prof. Caldwell spoke at Bertrand,Phii
"PsUo., last Saturday afternoon to the
teachers the subject of "Source Study
Method:" in the evening he addressed
them on -An English Election.'
(lo. K. Keeue formerly a University
student was united in marriage with Miss
l earlo Robinson of Nelson, Nebr. The
Hesperian joins the students in congratu
lating Mr. and Mrs. Reene.
Prof. Caldwell has been very cheerful
this WH-k. probably because of the ex
pected arrival of Mrs. Caldwell and child
p JM-iday from Baltimore, where tl my
mvo li,... Siting during the past two
months. '
'- W. .sarsoii has accepted an iuvi'ta-
tro, Sup't. Farley, of Plattsmouth,
o load tlu- teachers' reading circle in
veml" StU,ly hiSt0l'y at that P,ace No"
th, t ' iih remarked incidentally
N. . will eat Thanksgiving UirHy
MMnds there. ' " ;' -
ISOOt'00 fedeljdaimontb ,at
Professor Faurot has (tome to us re
cently to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Mr. Tschudy, and if recommen
dations count for anything Rose may
consider herself lucky in getting such an
efficient instructor. He was born in
Michigan, but received his education at
the University of Nebraska, where ho
graduated in 1891. From 1891 to 1898
ho was engaged in high school work, and
in '94 he returned to the University to
take a post graduate course in German
and Philology, and received the degree
of Master of Arts. He spent last year
abroad, making a special study of the
German languages, part of the time un
der Professor Siovers, the famous Anglo
Sason scholar. He divided his time
abroad between the Universities of Berlin
Leipsic and Wittenberg and returned
homo just in time to accept the position
which he now holds. The Rose Technic,
Terro Haute, Tnd.
The P. B. D. C. is holding lively meet
ings these days. Come out next Saturday
evening and help discuss the question,
Resolved: that the United States should
interfere to secure Cnban independence.
KiV Sutton Sam. Johnson
Aff' 1 Bishop iNegt E. O. Jones .
Oh, I am .studying Latin;
My teacher is teaching ma;
If I could use ills pony,
I could read as well as he. Ex.
PallaiUan Program, Nov, ij.
Piano Duct, Miss Godell, Miss Camel
Impressions of Chicago Walter Hunting
Recitation (Quiderit), Minnie Hay-
Vocal solo "Once Again" Miss Abbott
The Oil Regions of Pennsylvania,
R. 8. Hunt
Story, "Sea Witches" Mercy Walker
At the Co-op, a second hand Telegram
bicycle good as new $25.
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