The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 05, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Ulasses wore small Monday, itihose "who
were not interested in 'tihe Bryan parade,
skipped classes on general principles.
French, Latin, German and 'tftnglis'h
dictionaries, "Rolf and 'text Shalcespear
translations etc. n't ?Horpolsheimer'&;,Oo.
A reception will'be given 'byitihe Y. W.
('. A. to all 'girls -of 'tihe 17ni. at'tiheJhome
of Mrs. IF. "NI. HHnll, iHUtili -and HD streets,
Nov. 14.
It is hoped 'tihat tihe frigid Hoo'ks witih
which students of different jpo'litioril par
ties view each other will le thawed 'by
the election returns.
The Delians hold a business meeting
Inst Friday evening after 'tihe program in
the chapel and decided hhnt'tihoir rights
should not he trampled upon.
The society slate has suffered greatly
during the 'Inst few wedks. Weitirusfitihat
it will soon ho patronized witih .as niue'h
'pjil n before the political s'trifo.
? It is hoped 'that 'tihe How prices . -at ttihe
I ui. lunch room will relieve any wlio
inve been under 'tihe necessity '(? ) .of
"wiping themselves to Ujheir neighbor
We arc headquarters for fountain pons
Resell them and guarantee itihom fh-om
(( to .$,Vtudh. If our pons are mo't srit-
wuctory wewj) return you yourmoney.
'HI. fcitpoiiHirnrMEto feOo. '
''Junior JUvnudl.
Kunicnibcrthnt'the business managers
i the Junior Annual board offer prizes
'i the bent stories and poems written 'by
dents for the Annual. All students
Nno can w,.Itw mv m.KMi.t0 compete.
tm , 1. ru'Bn,UHt not ''""tttiii more than
our thousand words; and throe 1vpe-
e (.0p,oR of each story and poem
W i,. handed to Miss Jean Tuttle be-
1 '' lfith, 1897. The author's name
l'' written on u)hoout -side,
TiittJi, 'HpimifloiitioiiB w Miss
"Eirst'c'luss Shaves and hair cut8 'for sale at
1330 0 street. -.las. IKo'lbadh custom
shoe snop.
flit supplies a Hong felt -want 'tihe iUmi.
'lunch Toom.
'Oo'me to Palladian Ihrill JFinday 'evening
-and Iheav m good program.
IF. IH. iPeters, MM 0 street, .jeweler,
'diamond lings made 'to 'order.
Classes ihave 'been somewhat 'demoral
ized on account of itihe -election ;andex
citement. UDad'Oolo. IDad 'Oo'le, ODod Oole, HDafl
Oo'lo, iP)ad 'Cole's ibai'ber shop, 'Capital
IHoto'l, 145 NUVth St.
rhe old students go ito Westoiifield's.
You should do the same, if you want (tihe
best hair cut in the city.
We are selling tablets and students'
note books at a big reduction 'this week.
'5'eentnote hoo'ks go for '3 and 4oerits.
10 -cents f orG, -7 and 8 cents. .-Don't ariiss
ttlhis chance. IHerpolsheimer '&0o.
(Comfort Ho (California.
USvery Thursday morning, fa 'touiiisl
sleeping ear for Salt lja!ke (Oity, San
'Francisco and Los Angeles (leaves'Omah a
and fjin coin via tihe Burlington fRouto.
If t is carpeted.; upholstered in trattan.;
lhas spring seats and backs and 'is pro
vided witih curtains, hedding, ttowels,
soap, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman por
ttor . accompany H 'tihrough 'to 'tihe (Pacific
While neitihor .as "expensively (finished
nor asfine to Uoo'k .at .as .a palace .'sleeper.,
it 'is rjust tt8 good toutidoin. Second-dlass
itidkots.are honored and 'tihe price of ;u
north, wide enough and'big euough for
two, is'Oiily 5.
(For ;a folder igivlng tiWH particulars,
call iit 'tihe IB. & $1 . aepdt or iifcy o'tficc,
cornier of ul0tih&0) .streets.
f!. IP.MVA..
? n