ti THE HE SPICK4 I AN ( School of Music Notes. Miss Ethel Beattie received n visit from her mother last week. Miss Ethel Gillespie is one o'f tihe re cent students at the school. A concert will be given in tihe near future, in the First Congregational church under the auspices of the School of Music for the benefit of one of its mis sions. The next students .public recital will be -given in the chapel Wednesday evening yaw 11th. A 'Halloween party was given by Mrs. Kimball to the ladies residing i ri the school of music and some invited friends. A jolly evening was spent in festive games and pleasures appropriate to the occassion. MMie second term of the school of mu sic commences a week from next Monday. The subject for T. V. 0. A. sTov. 8th will 'be'Lake T4uneva Echoes. lt the (lo-op, a second hand iPulegram 'bicvcle good as new. $'25. 4l"the subscription money is in'henvay rjustgive it to the Business Manager. '(Jan you get good board at 'Boomers club for $'2.00? Gome and see. 52'4 N 12th street. Maritin, for sonic reason which 'he're fuses to divulge, wore a yellow ribbon election day. The Pall. Boys will meet as usual iiiuxt 'Saturday night. ("Jome out and holp'de 'bate. They will interest you. Messrs. Kyle, Taylor, Bishop, "Sloan and Win. Moore wont to their homes in Iowa to vote for the next president and see the fun. There will be a meeting of the Ouuiha club in Room H, University Hall ut 1 o'clock Friday, 'Nov. 0. Vory 'impor tant. New students 'from Onuihu as well as old members attend. SeventyJfive cents iptfys 'for 'tihe Hks pbutas from now uritil the 'end of the vear. We regret very much that the Delian 'Political'Program 'bulletined 'foHlast week was not given, as it'promisedto'be some thing novel and entertaining. Miss Maud Shaw and Mr. Eugene Sherman were united in marriage at the home of her uncle R. ID. Shaw, 1705 I) street. Chancellor Mac Lean performed the ceremony Sabbath afternoon. Mr. Sherman graduated from the TJni. iu 1895 and is now principal of tlhe Fairfield schools. Prof. "The (Greeks, you know, used the lyre and other stringed instrument for soft, soothing rnusio, but the cornet was only used for harsh strains. When over I pass a church and hearthe cornet, I feel that it is not appropriate at all." Then followed a sever roast on those who play the cornet in church. "Don't you agree with me Mr. A." Mr. A. "Why -or you. see 1 play Uthat instrument mvself in church." 'Prof. "Oh! n (Biivby Revives. 1 wish I wore ujpnff, 'l'liuttaLriiu, I do 'His pationcois not trieii, liswill i.s tiftt cldfiutt, " 'Hi!hus Ills way in livtirybluasuil 'thing. !1 wish'Iwurti uipnff, 'Yon sc, For lio 'Novurihns to dig 'InPssyihnoryit in UH'ig Nor 'takes history unilurDocHoHFiing. I winh'I wtn iwpnff Again, For (lion IM A ni uhtipol tiinu (l'xuii8it my luok of rhyiuu) Thftro un alwayw vacant chairs upon'thuv:Hugo I wishlIwuru at prof 'At ItlKt 'For pitHl 'His every immmI of ploanro UtAia'for'hlin to inuuqurti Tito .jokeH hiilf grown UtuMU nit him on sHiih hrigllt anil brilliatiUpifge,