If) T II F 11 15 s p f 1? 1 A X .11 ' oat Tirc Started. September 1 5, 1871 . University Chapel. (From the minutes. ) "A goodly number of the students of iJlie university having assembled in the chapel, motion was made that Mr. Dales act as chairman of the meeting. Ac cordingly he proceeded to the chair and appointed Mr. H. 1. Metcalf as secretary of fine meeting." "To the Chancellor and most honored faculty of the University of the "State of os'ebras'ka, we would submit the following petition : We, the students do hereby most solemnly asfc and pray of your hon orable body the privilege of organizing asji literary society for fine i improvement of our several facilities both moral .and intellectual."''' Second -meeting, Sept T6 7 oVloclv. Third meeting., Sept. '22. 7 'Vloe'k. First regular 'meeting., ftept. "29, O:.'I0 oYlooIk. Weclaimiug'cl ass called uipon .and re sponded to by Mr. Stevenson .and Mir. 'Wlhipple. ' Essay .class -called mpon .and responded toby Miss 'Cracie Benton .and Mr. Ilsjinucy. Motion made ttihaf ttlhe leadeis in the debate .appoint two findlges and 'that they appoint aitihird. 'Chancellor IHenUm being present favored itlhe society witlh .a few remarks. (0)ctiober i(J, regular meeting. ilMiating class .called upon. Question, IResolved ; That war .causes imoi'eimiseryttJhnin lintcm peitence. The decision .of ttilic jjiidlges wasttihen given mpon itlhe regnllar de'bate in favor. of ttJhe.au". Motion made .and carried ttiliat Uhe house .decide ttJhe imiiseel Uaneous debate-de"ided urn favor of nega tive. Motion made rtJhal -stamping,, wihi stilling .and boisteroiiH ,ajj p'l a u ding should be prohibited iin ttihe ball . 'Carried . Motion made ttihat itlie uiscof tto'bacco Ibe prohibited! in itlhe lhaill. Onrrjodl. October IS. On motion, the ladies of this society were allowed to read sonic selection instead of declaiming, if they pref erred to do so. October 20. The society was next en tertai n ed 1 y mu si c by th e ch oi r. Mo Hon made that the usher keep the door clospil while any performer may be on the floor October 27. Motion made that the chorister select and the executive com mittee purchase books for the use of the choir. Carried. Question for debate January 5. 1S72: Resolved: That fictitious reading is hen 'ericial to the student. Charter members of the Palhiduin Society "Walter 1. Beecher William A. Cadnian Grace 13. Benton ( Dale) William ITilworth C 13. Hohman Jennie Mull Frank llurd "Steptoe Kinney 11. K. Metcalf Mate A. Peck A . M. Steven on 74 'Willis E. -Sweet William Jd. tSneir7.' Hollis VI. Thurston John 'Walliugford E. 13. AY-olley. Oassius M. Cropsey A. A. Ou minings .1. S. Dales '78 llen W. Field '77 Fred A. Hovey Maggie Hull Alva E. Kennard Uriah H. Malic Paul Morton C. W. Rhoads Alice E. Sweet Mary A. Smith Franklin "Street 'George W. Tovev 0. C. 'Whipple A Soiljr Sung lltf itlio 'I'ulludiau IBqytf 'Quart otto at tin- OW 'HuimrH I'rogram 'D-days ol yoru, too bright Ho Hunt., 'io dual' WUh forgot IFond unumory Uighta ithat happy jmut A-ndititiu) rthall dim lit iriot OnouittJB Many art' tbo hearm that art) turning tonkin. 'Bunk to tin old Pal) hall, Many arc the voiooa milling through th" liigl'1 Wo grout il'ulluciiuuu all, V.OiOKH itOUlght, VOiOOB touight, 'illiqy grout ll'allad iaiiH all Wor ithoa, iPalladiati, utill .our Hove 5CtiowH mo'ur a shadoof .dining, WhouL'hdiHtaiJt hIcIoh may aruh aliovo, Antliont tumid path ways, strange. And hh'Wo moot thj hoartliKtoneiuoar, t JUy Hpirit Htill uttundH. J numnorioH yotito aro-doar,, And HlllhilliidhmtfrhuidH ,