The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 29, 1896, Page 15, Image 13

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Ex- tOhafncdMor 'Faiijfielil.
old frloinKdf Dr Ktilrllcld. uiul nil who liciird lilt lmurcMlnc
inlks 1iI)l hero, will be pleased to read the following
kiiili uf his Iuiir mid useful life. furiiHlied Dy
Ills dniiKlitor Mrs I'lcld
Edmund Burke "Fairfield was born at
Chaiiostown, West Virginia. August 8th
IH21 . Mis father was a home missionary,
a graduate of a Vermont eollege and a
scholarly man for those days. is
mother, at the time of 'her marriage with
Rev. Nieaiah Fairfield, was a widow with
several small ehildren aWl a retinue of
slaves. She was the daughter of Captain
Minor Wvnn of the 'Revolutionary army
and belonged to an aristoeratie family of
Fairfax County, Virginia. She was the
youngest of ten sisters, the oldest of the
ten bring the mother of Oen. Stonewall
Jackson Iftov Nieaiah Fairfield was an
abolitionist and 'freed all his wife's slaves
and established 'them, as far as possible,
in homos of their own in 'Ohio. The -Fair-fields
moved to Troy, "Miami 'Comity,
Ohio about '18-25.
The subject -Of 'tih is ste'lrwas-ed neat ed
Hi liN mother's private school and at
Uvmiville, Marietta and 'Oborlin colleges,
"H in Ohio. ii!(. graduated if'rom !)lior-
!' ''"Hege in 1842 and from theThodlog
"iil Seminary in !184.r, when ho received
liMiiinHcr's degree. From 1842 to '45
li wn. a tutor in the collegiate doparl-
'""W mid a truste of tlie college from
17'J to 1870. IIU'ih -first pastorates wore
in X'w Hampshire and iBoslon. Ulle-oame
Ul Mieliigunin fl'848'to -engage in oduea-
bonul Work and 'for 'twenty vears was 'the
!riHifl(.ni of 'lHillsdale college, Michigan.
In 1K70 . ion t;iI. BnptiHi (.Mm.h and
""miiiii.,1 Oongrogationalisl and 'pastor of
the first eongrega'tiiorudohurch Of Mans-
ll;,l'l- Ohio, i.nmr he was chosen prin-
"'H '!' ii norma'l school at Indiana, il'n.
"'"I i" 1K70 wasoleeted chancellor!' 'the
Ynvrsity.ofdbralca. Um 11882 howas
" ,0oii patitor-of itihe IFirstfJongrogntion-
111 ,,,m'',i or Manistee, Michigan 'In
1.889 he was appointed consul to Lyons.
'France and for 'the last three veai's he
has made his home at Grand "Rapids,
Michigan. This year he is to supply the
pulpit at Mansfield, Ohio, his old church.
This concise array of facts and dates
perhaps gives insufficient expression -o'f
the work of the man himself. He has
always been a hard worker, a diligent
student and seeker after the truth. He
has traveler! and lectured and preached
and written and taught for more tJha'n
fifty years, yet his heart is as young, his
sympathies as keen, his enjoyment 'of
young people as great as ever. 13e has
made over b', 000 addresses of one kind
and another during all these years. No't
a few of these addresses were made in
aiih- hoUitni times when a man almost 'tioo'k
his life in his hands who wont out as UDr.
IFairfiold did, to fight the wordy ha'ttllos
o'f the abolitionists.
Since Lincoln's time he has 'been a
siurdy republican. flfiven in 'this, his
sevonty-sixth year, he has spo'ken wfiter
moon and evening if or 'two weo'ks in suc
cession in behalf of the cause so 'dear 'to
Thwiik Yon.
The 'Pa'lladians wish to express itiheir
appreciation of the kindness of the Ohan
cellor, faculty and university 'friends in
general, whose advice, enthusiasm .and
interest in the celebration helped more
than they realize to make it a success.
The recognition by the chancellor and
'faculty in granting the holiday, their
presence at the various meetings are -appreciated,
as only students who arc work
ing against groat odds 'to make a .success
of a groat undertaking, can appreciate
reciprocity. Wo are grateful for the 'en
thusiasm and good fellowship of our
sister soeioties and recognize anew itihe
"tie 'that binds." As wo made the edlo
ibwiliion opni for all to'onijoy who would,
so we hope also that all which wascredit
alble in it may 'not stand alone for 'the
IPalliifliaii society, but -may he eouirted a
credit ito'our 'Dmiversily. A'gain to all
ifiiionds we say, 'Mlhan'kyou.'''
Sineerolr, 'Floiia Wcjjik'k.
ir H
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