The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 22, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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Did you hoar Pinkevton cheering those
Doane men Saturday?
The Juniors and Seniors meet on the
grid-iron Friday afternoon, the 30th of
this month.
A very interesting, mounted specimen
of red snow plant was sent to the Uni.
from Kansas City.
Juniors! The editors of tho Junior
Annual want you to write stories and
send in jokes for tho Annual.
When our team needed a gain of just
three yards they gave Turner the ball
and pushed him over the Crotons.
There is a class of four students in
Sanskrit, now in tho Uni. This class is
larger than the ouo in Chicago Uni.
Miss Eva Leonard, Miss Lulu Burrows,
Miss Ella McCrosky and Miss Elizabeth
Thomson were among the visiting Palla
dians last week.
Prof. Edgrin expects to entertain tho
Graduate Club soon. A definite an
nouncement, as to time and program,
will be given later.
The day of prayer for the Student Vol
unteer movement is Oct. 25th. Tho
Volunteer Band will meet at 9 a. m. in
the parlors of the Y. M. C. A. building.
The Mission Study class meets every
Saturday at 11 a. m. in tho Y. M. C. A.
room. Judson's life, to tho time of his
sailing for foreign lands, will bo roviewed
next Saturday.
The Christian Association will hold a
joint missionary meeting in the chapel,
Sabbath Oct. 25, at 4 p. m. ' Some re
ports of the missionary part of the Lake
Geneva conference will be given
The Junior class met in room five
Monday, to discuss affairs pertaining to
their Annual. They voted that the
junior Laws be invited to put a member
of their class on the Annual board.
Tho Law School is well represented in
the preliminary debates, both in quantity
and quality.-
Five enterprising Grand "Island teach
ers are carrying on the Roman History
work in the European History depart
ment in absentia.
Miss M'ezzic Red Ford, formerly a uni
versity student, is visiting with her cousin
Miss Helena Redford and renewing ac
quaintance with hor many friends here.
Mr. R. 0. Bentley, 'H, is filling with
high honor, the principalship of the
Shelton schools. He reports work pro
gressing finely and is well satisfied with
his new position.
Miss Bertha Pinkorton, '9(5, a member
of UnionSociety, was shaking hands with
university friends last Saturday. Miss
Pinkorton is assistant principal in the
Blair High school.
Mr. W. H. Pillsbury, '90, is occupying
creditably the principalship of the High
School at Falls City. Ho has already
introduced many helpful changes along
tho line of systematizing tho work.
Prof. J. H. McGuffy, of tho Nebraska
City High School, reports progressive
work, and if he continues as active there
in college politics as he. was here, wo be
speak a career of remarkable success.
All Juniors are requested to go to
Toy. nsond's of one and have their pictures
taken for tho Junior Annual. It costs
you nothing, Juniors, to sit for this pic
ture and if you want any copies thoy can
bo had at gratoly reduced rates.
Miss Wain wright, who loft hor home in
Blair, Nob., nine years ago, to go to Ja
pan, has returned for a short visit to her
native land. Tho mission study class
was fortunate in having hor with them
at the Uni. Saturday. She told of her
work in Japan and also of the manners
and customs of the Japanese.