(i Til 10 II USPK K I AX 8 a Local. 1-200 TstroH for goo 1 boird. Miss Minnie Reetz 'Ob' lias returned to take up Post work. The Palladians skipped classes reck lessly this week. 10 cents for a single meal at Pinker ton's boarding club, 1200 T street. Miss Clara Cowgil's uncle, Mr. Oowgil, ofYillisea, Iowa, called on her last week. Engaged Between tho hours of 12 and 1 , the window on the first door, under west stair-wav. Edgar Banghart has been confined to his bed for tho past two weeks. We hope to see him among us again soon. Miss Mary Bryan, sister of W.J. Bryan, is in town. She may attend the Palla dia n Celebration. She is a Palladian. The Delians decided to adjourn Friday evening Oct, Kith, and attend the Paf lndian Program to be hold in the chapol, Mr T. .1. Kemp expects his brother J. LL Kemp from Kimball, Va., soon to at lend the Law school. This speaks well for tho reputation of the Uni. Law school. "Why I fame alone to-night," seemed to be a favorite subject foi impromptu speeches Friday evening by the Delian boys. The weather of course received the blame. Forty have registered for the prelimi nary debates. This assures a close con tost for tho first throe places. Last year only sixteen entered the local debates yet avo came off victorious in the fray with Kansas. The day of prayer for women, appoint ed by the International Com. of tho Y. W. C. A. for Oct. H, was observed by the Uni. Y. W. 0. A. Miss Laura WildSeo of the City Association, led tho noon dav Pi'ayor-moefing. Bettor than over! WhaK Boardim at 1200 T street, 2 per week 'Westerfield has done tho students har boring for seventeen years. The Graduate Seminar in American History decided after a scientific investi gation of the sources that Silver Mas actually dropped from coinage in 1873. Browning, King & Co. have donated ten dollars for tho foot-ball team. Thi is the first contribution that has come in from outsido sources unsolicited. By the way, they advertise in the Hekim'.h ian. See their ad. TC. S. Baker, orator and statesman, has distinguished himself lately on sev eral ocassions discussing political ques tions before the ward clubs of the city. A move is already inaugurated to secure the Lansing for Mr. Baker's next effort The Union Boys Debating Club at its next meeting will dsscuss the question, Resolved: That a College Pro feasor ha no right to participate in polities. The Professors will probably bo glad to learn that they are still to be allowed the priv ilege of voting. If you want the best barbershop in the city, go to Westerfield's, 117 N ISth.jml south of the Lansing. Prof. P. M. Fling has just accepted an invitation to deliver his scholarlv address on Man and His Opportunities, before tho semi-annual meeting of Saunders Co teachers, hold at Ashland, Oct. 215. The following day Prof. Lucky will address the meeting in the interest of Child Stud and Prof. Pling will speak on Methods of Historical Study. Next Saturday night tho P. B. I). C will debate the question, Resolved: That free and unlimited coinage of silver would bo of advantage to tho people of the United Stales. AIT. Qlov Nog. i i,lk(3,'lon J k "idler " f Perry Tho old students go to 'Westerfield's. You "should do tho same, if yoirwant the best hair cut in the city.