ft m THB HESPERIAN ahr tl f i Comfort to California. Evsry Thmirsday morning, a ttoaaaist sleeping (ear for Salt lake Catty, San Francisco and ILos Angles leawOanaha and luiinwjolia "via f la Baarilngton Ronte, It 5s fflnfsbed; npholstered In rattan; has spring seats and Iwaeks and is pro dded with (OTiitalns, foeMIng, towels, smap, Htie- Am texperieneed emrsaon endradtaKr and anmlfoained IhnMiimam por ter eoniipany aft ttaongh to the PIEe (doxasfc. While neither as e:qensiVely finished nor as fine to look at as a palace sleeper, it is aast as good to ride in. Second elass tickets are honored and the price of a heath, wide enough and big enough for two, is only 5. For a folder giving foil paaiienlars. tal at the B. & M. depot or city ofik. coTmer of lth & O sireets. Geo. W. Boxstell, C.F-&T-A. jUMi JjR& p b fil JB Jap HSSfe" Two Trains Daily To Nebraska Citv, Atchison. Kansas City, Saint IiOiiia d atlll points Soiwtlh,, East airad West. F-D. CORiNJELL, C. P. & T.-A-- izao Street. Gap- Steam Dyeing OUSMil LaninffWorks Olfcy OfFfFlbe., IIII5 INiotritfa H2ttttn Street mm we mums Ym& Kfirasiiffic Hdwlfe? audi CStsmibs CMfoiiiig If' Ehnary IBtoeripttMMii Osounk&ilL r Byad amid TKfiiflidly Pmess&iL BMntt. MUD(MjWixAS!amlWxhDmMaf lwt UPiritaaB awaiB Ffessasit Wm$L Sta ttfee City