The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 08, 1896, Page 9, Image 9

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    Rr. " m p- r- , , , r
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Last year tlie Y. W. C. A. and the Y.
M. C. A. together with the faculty start
ed a college settlement ou 8th and Y
Streets. During the latter part of the
school year socials, entertain incuts and
receptions were hold at different times,
while in the evening, classes in the pri
mary grades were taught.
While considerable was accomplished
in this way, it was felt that organization
was not complete enough to do the most
that might be expected. It was decided
by the student committee having this
work in charge, that by all means a more
thorough organization must be made aud
the work divided and put into the hands
of different students who will be held re
S5onsible for the tvork.
It was suggested thatt his year arrange
ments should be made for both indoor
and outdoor games and that certain
students Ik appointed to direct them.
Also that the entertainments of last year
Ik .again taken up, and if possible, given
more frequently. More emphasis is to Ik?
laid upon the evening classes and it was
iinanimiously decided that this work
must Ik done systematically and contin
ually. - Last year teachers were changed
eery evening aud as a consequence very
little was accomplished in this line of the
work, but new it has been proposed to
put a certain student in the work who
has the time to continue it for a time suf
ficiently long to allow him to make pro
gress. If necessary a paid instructor,
;hoen from among the students, will be
placed in charge.
rxiox PROG It AH.
Vocal Solo - L. V. Patch
All Bryan students are requested to
meet this evening at the corner of 11th
& B at 7:30 sharp, to form for the parade.
Both ladies and gentlemen are welcome
at the boarding club at 1200 T Street.
Pinkerton boarding elub right across
from Nebraska Hall, $2.00 per week.
An Idyl
Bon Zither Solo
Hope's Fruition
Vocal Solo
Katharine Melick
J. F. Stoltz
Fred Cartzher
J. W. Searson
Martha Chappell
Mabel Kincelv
u. . d. c.
Question for Saturday, October 10 '96:
Resolved: that Corporations, newspapers,
trusts, and railroads arc justified in using
all lawful means, such as free transporta
tion, in securing the election of their o
litical candidate, to advance their own
interests. Leaders:
j Mr Searson v J Mr. Warren
A"' 1 Mr. Buudy "Neg Mr. Bolenbach
All xew stodexss are especially invit
ed to participate.
i 15. i. v.
Question, Resolved: That the tariff
should be the issue in this campaign.
Kff B. F. Earner f C. J Allen
An' V Anderson eg' D. Killen
Summerville's Woman's Benevolent
Club - - E. B. Perry
Recollections of Vacation
Theodore Amnion
In Invictionem A. S. Johnson
Selections from Favorite Authors
Florence 31. Shank
Carev vs Thatcher.
The schools of Kansas City, Kansas,
are teaching the vertical system of writ
ing, and Siipt. Greenwood, of Kansas
City Mo,, is agitating its introduction
on his side of the state line also, The
Industrialist, V, of K.
Drill will be at 1 : 30 today in order to
allow every one to take in the foot ball
game this afternoon. Ariel, Uni, of
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