...... ,, ..iLfcaUiCJ.mi...i s THE FIBS I' KIM AN Pa Had fa it Day. The Palladiau celebration will open Thursday night Oct. loth, with the an niversary address delivered by Ex-Chancellor. Fairfield. Tickets will be issued and the society hopes to accomodate all University people and others who may desire to attend. This will be some thing no one can afford to miss. The faculty has granted the petition of the Palladians to the effect that Friday, October 16th. shall be a holiday, there being no classes after chapel. Friday afternoon Palladiau hall will be the center of attraction. The Pallad iau alumni and present members, will be at home to all university people and all friends of the society. Friday night the society nieinljers and invited guests will enjoy a short Old Timer's program in Palladiau hall. J. ft. Dales, the first '-liainnan of the society will preside, -fudge Field will sjeak, and question of admitting the ladies to the society will lie fought ov-r by T. F. A. Williams and C. M. Skiles, the David and Jonathan of later times. Tickets for this will lie scarce. At the-lose of the program the society will repair to the Lindell hotel where a banquet will be served and toasts given and responded to. Palladiau day will thus lie well filial out. All students are cordially invited to join with the Palladians in celebrating their birthday and in doing honor to one of the founders of the university. An nouncement m regard to tickets" will lm made Mondav. meetings. 01 her absences are few, the club being particularly fortunate in the return of most of its graduate members. The program was informal, each mem ber reading a sketch orpoeni. Some rem iniscences of Mr Shreve's boyhood were highly amusing, and a bit of verse by Mr. Sargent recalled the work of Mr. Bates. After refreshments, served in Miss Wert's delightful fashion, a business ses sion was called and various plans discus sed for the work of the coming year. Some suggestions by Mr. Alexander were adopted as a specially helpful to more effective criticism. The following names were added to the list of membership: Uiss Annette Abbot, Geo Shcdd, Fritz Korsmeyer, and Ralph Mueller. English Club, The English club held its firrt regular meeting this year at the home of Miss Wert, 1327 E street. Fn a short address the new president, Miss Braner regretted the abwnee of Mr. N. C. Abbott, who was last spring chosen to preside at these Conservatory Notes. The first pupih recital of the school of music will lie given next Wednesday evening. As usual, students are cordi ially invited to these recitals, and they will doubtless find them interesting. The school of music opens auspiciously this year, and in spite of the closeness of the time has enrolled at least fifty new pupils. Miss Harriet E. Reynolds i a new in structor of piano and" comes to us thor oughly prepared for her work after five years study in Leipsic under the best Piasters of that musical citv. Miss Emily Perkins wilfbe abroad thuT year. """ The Cadet baud is larger this vear than it has been before, having at present thirty-two members, and good work m hoNl from them. The University orchestra will also take on new life, and in the course of the fall they will work on a program to m given later. The advanced ehonis under Mrs. Kay Mmd will take up the cantata " tfymn of 1 raise" by Memlekohn which is a most beautiful and artistic work. All inter ested in vocal work should find time to join the ehonis. Miss ; Elsie Beaver of Beatrice will man be back to continue the study of music. tmMhm "S