The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 08, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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geseiiOtisvieMSof our feUo r beings, life
becomes a maize to its. Wo obtain im
pression after impression Imt they are
wrong and indefinite because unanalvxed
aMil unmeaaned. It is iuiet thought
ami meditation that makes us attractive
to others as well as to ourselves-that
brings as into more sympathetic touch
wkk tke world, beeanse we see it from a
superior ami More definite point. We are
all hney; but let as not be so continually
eta ployed tkat we become estranged from
one of onr best and most sympathizing
friends namely, ourself.
tiiiie"" suclta wonderful crisis as this
would justify skipping chorus or bench
work if we could but add to the influence
of the Tenth and O politician.
It is to be hoped that there will be
plenty of entries for the preliminary de
bates this year. Our su wess in the Kan-
, sas-jSTebiaska debate last year ought to
make every g&o debater work for a place
o the finals this time. This is one of
the yearly events we ought to be proud
of. Kaiasss is doing her bet to make
their part of it a socopss this year. The
contest is to be held down there this time
and we nadercfand that they have sse
&! in making the debate an event in
their regnlar aaiversity iectnme course.
We are surprised to sea so little mnplas
political eathnsiasna among the Univer
sity stodeatw. We sappeaed that regis
tratkwB woshM hardlyifee over, when the
eamps wocld bedotted with small elaropts
f fellows Tnery tamlly engaged m saving
Ifeear eonntirv.
We kapjpened to go oiatfc ta one of the
sifter ihasfliftratikHis of the eSty the other
&&yr arwi we fcxand the majority of the
s-ti&cleats atefiwSy engaged m ditsmssiiig
the sserifos of the "goM standard1' awl
"ifr sSver"'- Why as it that we are not
wearing eat ear voices and idk!tet&13y
ear shoe soles, adiwatintlosypoSiey
which wiE save our great and gSoriotis
icammnnwonlih. from an imawtdite stroke
ofNftralysie3 Do mot any: "We haven
A Mm- fcig, aaajpag low;
Scaooacrs cnvlnf, icaggiagslo'w,
Drewy, aed hi a&er -weU:-Bfl
teacs trcseavrianat,tel
tfrigatlal t&iags $a water-fewl
Flwiwig treat the f&g feerafe fcewL
Listless waters sesamer, flatted:-
gMuhaaUk aaamaTt frnunuanai navA mlLataV wan
NavaaaanK aaanjBVB ISIKA aCijamaWa WWa
Waters racalag to the shore,
(Scsaiag; wkfeatfT oreaD-lore
Of ipreat EBJows, jtreea wkJa mges-
Tfcis is txvvm the tale page
f as eswrfastJag play,
Urawa is s&anieg of Angus gray
Where SJfc $ecpy aanaarar sea
Droauas of all eternity.
Mr Warner and Mr. Silica, of the Law
School and DeHan Society are hack and
will take np work m hath Jkyrtannta. Mr.
KHIca began hie work m society ae critic
la Friday evening.
Mr. Saekett, m the Law Liharian from
the Jnaier law dnss. He w ah a pcoe
pedtJTg Ptliiin
MiMoa Schwind, a hrolher of Mr. Brynw1'
private secretary, will he m the Law school
this year
Panof. Parker, of St Funl, is a strong Htem-
lier of the Law SchooL c,
Mr. D J. Flshacty, has been tuxapag
the 8a$e for Mdiakj.
A I&ptsMkan SSwer Club is hciag fovni
ed smoag S2ie e&esfts, with the pntpoie m.
winning votes for Bryan. Mr. KiBea is
taking an active pott m this oiganzsarion
and thote wimaag tofoia may An so fey
hanifnag their mnnrn tv him.
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