The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 08, 1896, Page 13, Image 13

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"" -a.-v,
The tennis club is making prepara
tions for a tournament to come off in a
few weeks. At the last meeting a com
mittee was appointed to work up interest
and make preparations. The dues for
the next six months were reduced to seventy-five
cents. Among the new players
are Dr. Moore and Prof. Moore, of the
Physics department.
The formation of an inter class foot
ball league is almost assured. The fresh
men met Saturday p. m. and elected
Oliver Chambers, manager and a com
mittee was appointed to draw up rules
governing players on the Freshmen team.
At least two or three of the players who
will be on the 'Varsity 'Leven are Fresh
men and if the league is organized their
team will be a hard one to beat. Jnt
watch 'em.
The Athletic Association met in the
chapel Saturday afternoon. Mr. Whip
ple called the meeting to order and (t. N.
Porter was made temporary secretary.
The first business was the annual election
of officers. The following were unani
mously elected: president, J. P. Cameron;
vice-president, Alvin Pope; secretary, Gr.
N. Porter; treasurer, J. V. Z. Cortelyon.
The unanimity with which these officers
were elected shows the confidence the as
sociation has in them and athletics will
undoubtedly prosper during their incum
bency. Considerable discussion followed
over the interpretion of the constitution
in regard to the manner of election of
directors, tt was finally decided that the
secretary should call the roll of members,
each responding with the names of four
persons for directors. The four success
ful candidates were B. W. Wilson, R. C.
Saxton, F. F. Riley, A. S. White. The
association then proceeded to the election
of two members of the board from the
faculty. Prof. Caldwell and Prof. Owens
were selected. The usual barb-frat fight
did not materalize, possibly because there
were about five frats present to one barb.
All of the student directors are fraternity
The way Ames college shut out Mis
souri is beiug chuckled over by Nebraska.
The score was 13 to 0 but it must be re
membered that Missouri generally loses
her first game and then buckles down
and plays ball- While it looks like our
friends have a somewhat weak team, we
must not immediately jump to the con
clusion that we have a snap when we play
Hanson and Votaw! Have you seen
them play foot ball! They are a
whole rush line in themselves. Watch
their smoke.
Pay your foot ball subscription at the
M 'iff $. A -J
1043 O Street
We have all the up-to-date styles in
Fine- Foot Wear.
The Tokio is one of the latest. Call and see them.