The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 08, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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T II B U E S P B R 1 A X
H. 0. Sutton now iarries the Pall,
A University Melvinloy club has been
Westerfield has clone the students har
boring for seventeen years.
Mr. Johnson has 13.1 students regis
tered for Virgil this year.
Mr. Kulhmau's example of an agreea
ble, definitely, experiential word mar
riage. If you want the best barber shop in the
city go to Westerfield's. 1 17 N" 13th- just
South of the Lansing.
Bench work still flourishes but, has
been abandoned by some for the more
popular Library work.
The number of inteivsting stories at
the Delian Society, Friday evening was
a pleasant diversion.
A large number of Palladian Alumni
and old members are eN ported back next
week tu attend the celebration.
Many fair co-eds have followed the ad
vice of one of our faculty and are lending
inspiration to the foot ball players
The State Y. W. C. A. convention
meets in Y. M. C. A. building from Fri
day to Sabbath of this week.
The Delians elected Mr. Emerson to
the place of Mr. P. II. Thomson as rep
resentative) in the Building Association.
The boys talk Free Silver incessantly.
They even corner the Profs, and compell
them to talk before they ran get away.
The United Presbyterians will give a
reception to students, Friday evening,
October 9th at the homo of Mrs. Graham
2A25 R street.
If Bryan is elected, R. S. ftaker has
been promised the city P. 0. aureward
for his manly labors in a noble cause.
Mr. Baker is now ready to confer with
an)7 one wishing a courtesy in his line.
Try the home-like cooking at Boomer's
Unions were treated to an exception
ally good program Friday evening.
The old students go to Westerfleld's.
You should do the same, if you want the
best haircut in the city.
Still they come. Both ladies and gen
tlemen will find excellent board at 524
N 12th street, Boomer's club.
Gus Rose has returned for work late in
the day and 'complains that he has great
difficult in getting to a 9 o'clock class.
Mr. Corey, in behalf of the Palladians,
extended an invitation to the Delians to
attend the exercises in connection with
their 25th anniversary, October 15th.
Prof. Fossler has taken a division of
the beginning German class in order to
relievo the crowded condition. This
makes six classes in beginning German.
The chances are good that D. V. Liv
ingston, of the class of '96 laws, will be
one of our state lav makers this year.
He is the popoeratie candidate for the
legislature with the chances in his favor.
S. W. Pinkerton was awakened about
midnight last Saturday by burglars in
the hall. Pinkerton promptly shooed the
miscreants out, made every thing secure
and slept as soundly the remainder of the
night as if nothing had happened.
The University Bryan club, recently
organized, gave its first "public" last
Saturday evening, in a street parade. The
. column, headed by the flag marched
south on eleventh street to 0. The Sal
vation Army was marching West on 0
when the boys got that far, and so by a
column right" the boys fell in at the
rear of the Army and marched up the
street with it. In the meantime the dis
ciples of Bryan rent the air with yells
and songs that almost drowned the Sal
vation horn and dram.