8 Locals. Dr. Lees took a western trip on his wheel. Miss Tuttle visited her sister in Tar kio, Mo. Dr. Ward has been in Lincoln this summer. Prof. Swezey has been in Chicago studying. Miss Conklin has spent most of the summer in Lincoln. Prof. Johnson will take up the work left by Prof. Wilson. Vernon Craig is teaching school at Leigh, Nebr. this year. Professors Barbour and Hampson have spent the summer in Ohio. Palladian and Union halls look much better as a result of a thorough cleaning. Miss Jones lately attended a meeting of the American Library Association at Cleveland, Ohio. Prof. Hodgeman has been in Rochester N. Y. Profs. Taylor and Hnrnett saw the sights in Colorado. Dr. White has spent his vacation in Maryland. Miss Harr is home from the summer school at Harvard. Prof. Brunei spent a number of weeks on a government expedition in Wyoming and several of the neighboring states. Professor Barber has been studying in Chicago. He expects to introduce more fully the new method of teaching Latin syntax. Each of the three literary societies, on Friday evening, gave a reception to the new students, of which there was a large number present. Prof. Bessoy has returned from New York, where he attended and addressed the American Association for the ad vancement of Soionco. THE HESPERIAN Chancellor MacLean has been in Eu rope this summer, rlo reports a pleasant and profitable vacation. Professors Sherman and Bessoy have been connected with a summer school at Colorado Springs. Miss Eena Alderman and Miss Olive Thayer are again in school after a year or two of vacation. C. M. Kincaid is back in school again after teaching for two years near his homo at Clay Center. Dr. Brace has returned from Colorado, having spent the greater part of the sum mer there on his wheel. Prof. Carl Tucker is giving instruction in vocal music in some of the larger towns of South Western Iowa. "Cicero" Johnson '04-, well and favor able known to the older members of the university, passed through the city Mon day enrouto to Columbia. He stopped a few hours to shako hands with iiis old chums at the U. of N. The Palladian Slate-bearer will be slightly handicapped this year. Three weddings have occurred in the society's numbers this summer. The fortunate ones are Miss Davison, Mr. Thatcher and Mr. Hills. Mr. Geo. H. Kern, late with Woolson Bros., of Chicago, is with Browning, King & Jo. and is showing as fine a line of neck wear as can bo found in the city. Everything is as new and early as can be found in Chicago or New York. The Union Boys Debating club held their lirst meeting last Saturday. The club starts out this year with bright pros pects. Election of officers resulted in the choice of the following: A. S. Hard ing, pres.; J. F. Boomer, vice pros.; Hawksby, sec; J. A. Maguire and G. P. Warren, attorneys; Charles Kuhlman sergeant -at-arms.