The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, May 15, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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Field Day exercises will take placo on the
Monday of commencement week.
George Kindlcr will deliver the Memorial
address at Garrison, the 30th of May.
The Palladian boys will givo a special pro
gram next Friday evening. Everybody in
vited. The IIksi'Khian is glad to note that Miss
Anderson, after two weeks illness, is again
in school.
R. A. Case and J. P. Roolofsz of Weep
ing Water were welcome visitors at the
University last Saturday.
The Palladians will have a picnic Satur
day at Lincoln Park. This will bo the regu
lar annual picnic of tho society.
The Chancellor announced Monday morn
ing that he would give tho students a chapel
hour talk some time beforo tho ond of the
collegiate year.
Company "A" will givo a banquet Satur
day evening, May 23. It will be a "stag"
alfair. Every member of tho company is
expected to appear in uniform.
The competitive drill will take placo one
week from Saturday. Tho companies are
doing extra drilling this week in order to be
in good shape for the occasion.
The English club will meet with tho Ab
bott boys at the Asylum Saturday ovoning,
May 10, at which time a now members' pro
gram will bo given. The last meeting of
the club this year will be addressed by Prof.
L. A. Sherman.
The Dobating association had a business
meeting last Saturday afternoon, at which
the following officers wore elected tor the
ensuing year: R. S. Baker, president; George
Kindler, vice-president; F. E. Edgerton,
secretary and treasurer.
A petition protesting against tho 5-cont
charge for the use of the baths and the dis
criminations made in favor of one class of
students over another, was presented to tho
faculty Monday afternoon. It was signed
by about five hundred students, practically
all the young men in tho University.
Senior theses were due last Monday.
G. M. Castor returned from Red Cloud
last week after a protracted visit.
Judge Munger completed his lectures on
"Municipal Corporations" last week.
Cases have been assigned for moot court
in justice practice and district court practice.
The Seniors have commenced filing their
applications with tho supremo court for ad
mission. John Watson of Nebraska City com
mences his lectures on "Criminal Procedure"
this week.
Tho Maxwell club has arranged for a joint
debate with Lincoln Normal Saturday night,
May 23, to take place at the Normal. Ar
rangements have been made for special cars
for those desiring to attend.
Several of tho boys have signified their
intention to take the stump this fall under
the supervision of the American Republican
College Leaguo, among whom aro D. L.
Killon, E. F. Warner, A. W. Martin and
A. J. Weaver.
Go to Rector's for your soda.
Dental parlors of Dr. Hodgman over Har
loy's. Reduced price to students.
Patronize Westerfield. He is up to date
on hair cutting.
Haydon's photograph gallery at 1214 O
street, gives the best work in the city. Call
and examine.
E. Fleming, 1224 O street, practical
watchmaker, jeweler and engraver. All re
pair work promptly attended to. Glasses
fitted, correcting the most difficult sight.
Students! Do you know that you ought to
havo your pictures taken? Tho Elite Studio
is still ready to givo yon tho best work at
tho lowest prices. 220 South 11th street.
E. R. Guthrie, 1540 O street, the roliablo
bicycle man, can mend your wheel in short
order and the right way. If you want a
Rambler call on him they're tho best
Tho profs, all ride 'em.
Students needing photographs will do
well to call at tho Hayden photograph gal
lery, 1214 O street, and get special prices.
Dr. O. F. Lambert8on, dentist. Special
rates to studonts. 1207 O street.
Bicycle suits of all kinds (except ladies)
can bo had of Paine, Warfel & Bumstead.