THE HESPERIAN KASSAS-KEBRASKA DEBATE. IN LINCOLN NOT IN KANSAS! FUNKE OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY EVEN ING, MAY i, 1896. (Messrs. Veaver,QuaiHtance and Newbranch in War Paint 3 Enthusiasm is g;r4utAiy "Lcaven4w the wbele himf?" rf Students xni FucuHy, "Literary Secieties have adjewrited and Fraternities Admiicslun only Twenty- iv: Cents. The annual Kansas-Nebraska debate Las -at last been -recognized by eastern institu tions jib deserving of .admission on a par with the great inter-collegiate debates of our eastern sisters. As one of the yet too few iiuter-eollegiate debates, the 'coining conflict1 of Ideas will be closely watched not only "by the two stateirnvolved, but by every state in the Union -wliose students are begiu ii'ing lo realize the great practical utility of ready, jxrincrfirf argument. Never 'before in tbe Listory of the Uni versity lias debating enthusiasm reached so LigL a murk. Public speaking 'classes in creasing in number .and favor yearly, three rousing 'boy-'s debatiug dubs, two active girls1 organixationa, students1 political clubs, students'1 mass meetings, and the oppoit uni ties for debate extended in the departments of (history and economics these are the factors operating to iix a deep, permanent tlnterest In debate .among the great bodj of onr students. Lot us see 'to it, then, that ;an ent'hnsiHHtiie student assembly -worthy of our opportunities turns out next Friday 'evening to welcome the -"Jay-Hawks11 and 1o cheer on 1o victory the three -worthy bous wbo are to "stand up for iJhe University Z1 Nebraska -will contend in the negative of the "questions '"Resolved, that the Initiative and Referendum should be introduced auto iour form tof government after tbe manner of ifbe Haws tof Switzerland."" Our tBpeakera, MeBBrfi. leaver, QuaTntance and New- branch, Lave already proven their steel in 31 most creditable local debate. That tbey will acquit tLemselves "worthy the repre sentatives of the "Old Uni,-" there is not the least shade of doubt. Neither do we doubt that our Kansas brethren will prove worthy foeraen. President Matthews Las secured iLe Fnnke opera Louse for ILe scene of discussion. In order that every stndent may attend, it Las been decided lo cLargo only twenty-five cents admission to any part of the Lonse. TJiis fee, if we have a crowded Louse, will just meet the necessary expenses. The Esta brook -Man derson prizes of 20 and 10 to be given the Nebraska speakers Lave increased the exertions of our men and Lave added a permanent and abiding inter est, in that two of Nebraska"1 ablest and most loyal men stand arch-patrons of the debate. Let May-day be fitly celebrated by wear ing new garlands in debate. Let the wLole body of students, faculty, patrons, and friends crowd the Fnnke to its ntmost capa city, and prove that Nebraska State Uni versity stands with the foremost universities in genuine, permanent interest in that man liest of attainments the ready powerful convincing expressions of thought. May we not yell entbusiuBtieally., both " before"" and "after,'1'1 "HturraL for the Scarlet and the Oreain i "" T)r A M.. Wilson 'has resigned Ljb posi tion an the University of Nebraska, Next September !he will go to Chicago .and begin work as the Lead of the classical depart ment hi the Lewis institute President Harper of the Chicago UniverBity 5b a member of die board of managers of die institute. The course of study includes ibe FiresLman and SopLoinore yvwB of the Uni versity, as well as four years preparatory work. A professorship here is virtually equal to a poBition an the University of Chi cago, AiltLongL tfcLe students and tbe many frjendB of Br. Wilson are glad that Lis anerj W given him a better position and a better vjlary., tbej rery deeply regret Ihle 0eav2ng 1be University of Nebraska.