THE HESPERIAN way the students flocked into the chapel that morning reminded one of the time when short talks were a part of chapel exercises. The Hksh'Kkiian is glad to know that this custom is to be revived. The chancellor should be commended for his bringing within the reaclu of the students men of such per sonality and scholarship as President Ray mond. The ILfci-EAuutSi Ss in jwelpil of an inter esting eonainumicaition from Mr. J. W. Mc Grosky, "Si I, of Bmenos Aires, which is pub lished below in ME: BuEXas, Aikies, Mamdh 13, &$&. U.tfJL, Zxtuuta, AWL, . $. A. Diejuu Ami'Mxii Ewiiiwk: D caacilQH: a ocwa ithtsm wlhodh D ttMnk nsuiy imnctneia 3vwa. 1 cDjjicd in tEncxm ES Diario9 omt off vht prmdaA naewsui jpjtsK, (OiT Hkieoois Aims: MANDFESTACDON COXTRA ESPASJA. QjQS ESBCmKUXaiES id ossdoils: "ILnxcm-S., JXdbtnadbi)) it (a. h& &..JO p. eel, AHfianuDS eiattMBTuiaattiefe B tta dliafiiw3 uuraamOTUtaioxn Ibay sgrjunAe (dEuannujm&. ttfiinnyttjrain mma gaiunodi e uairikinciii jwjfiiLacrti Ha Hmuadlto. (tspuundliL ftlaa fiegmidLii aiuundluuiKDaa vtm janoocHiffliu jpcxr la dhidludL, uHurodk) vinum. a. CshHjui y mraiantfc a Egpuimn, all ooBujiirt. idle Ywnhee JOHnndlejhx caiocioa inadiwmill MuinaiifciJtaiitwa ayjaiaHa Sgiuukt. Tflhe Smadknatt coif DiiyooM. HJiaiociia, 2?x2a, Mxrdh ac Sujss 5. sa- Sbesse aaoifltintt icttf Hlbus idiay uuude a jgmcal iflaHtitulbuuaQi: tLo ifiay, TTlkty tffldsinu&jwdl a vwalll amdl loine a Sgauacuilh tflu:g inaa nJittoeK. AtfumwuimdlB ttihty nmumdhttdl um a gvmaoeai&sm ttlinuuujjh ttlbe aily Ikumralbinijj tfotr Giihia sawH alliwtet Stng idkanlli tuo) umi flio ttllic mvtuiuunt: tfltf YaaiBaae BXuudlle amdl olhe OUluim mattiiiuttull Hainan. Wttuii a Baffllle wuiM we lTwive aW" Yoiurj vusay ttauily J, W.. MtCwwuiir,, "911. Utt si'Hitt lLe a muijiuteu' tfw uAitfuiMMi oi tllbe jpuuitl (fitf ttlb tJ'uufcL-dl nuixll stiiudlauds tod Hike HJttjSvi'wibHhlj tikut 51 aew u aio akticaiaaridly me IfMaMlitoil a4 udk ai guttiul itolaattie ri'morau lkottnxfe. TTehi IHiEJHHmEnxsj lkuu ajwajya ttwaem hkdl tllbal dike alLiojM'te uoutittidl ullfcttaxD-juiiiluuiilicwii ttionoAlc p&ut)&; nxxut fllbatt uit wuie um igpfiawll lfiouttri9 o' jjimtlillfkuil icwu Kiivwuiidl tnitllbui' atf uiiiuuiAe &xr testidlieiiii'a but because it was such a magnificent token of lite. We have long ceased to hope for college spirit, or anything of the kind, but it does our soul good to know that our stu dents can actually and really get together and go on the street and talk and breathe out loud. It shows that we are simply hi bernating, we are not fossilized. Considerable interest is being taken in a series of lectnreson "First Aid"1 in the regular freshman hygiene course. The subject deals wiith tbe mony emergencies and accidents in which a person of aick wit and common sense cam render valnable assistance ""before nbe doctor comft ""' aad illostrates bow this can be rendered. '-The societtr of imistnncttSon in First Aid to the Imijmred has its lieadqmajrteirs in New York c5ty and brandbes all over the United SttaJe. Wherever ttlbese ar organized dlas&es may Hue tfonmuexl amd Dectcanes given. At nine dkuse of ttibe comre examinations arte Ibeflid, amid tiha&e wihio juase atisfacitorily hank ini ttttwhcwy and inu jwcHioiII work are entitled, at a veoy inmall expjemBe?, tto am elegant little i2ip!onma ansioel by ttlbe od)Sy and bearing 54 &ynaalQ3fl the aied ovoHiu""" Ttfiie diploma us esugitaveii by ttllae Asmteafcana Baauk jSotte C- If N. Y., attwil as a woat of am. A liitiKcto3iiii Ibaumudk has BafleBy beeai orgami uzi&kS wuttii ttlbe tfolilo)wniug otSioer: CBiiainnan9 Dr. M. llfl- EvtsnMi ea(buryg Dr. EL B. Waavfl; exMwnwea-i DM E. I. AaigHe; umiiilnuc tlicw, Dr. DL A- Cllaalk. At tlBue dIoie o!f the (C(Muaie a ip&cuull teacus&jiiuaaMiii&i -mU he heM gMwg aillll wlkot wUfti ttlbt! Qfpwtiiawtty tto tvj iw a tdliijp'kyfflOL A Diumulkeu' ante aUufcytdy &mBg fniuitil&ivfc wvoclk be tllbe g3'uaiaiai.iiiuatiiiu &utarday MKQyBaian ;tiit ty n"(ticifck. Attvattimueaatt Suave htitm ww&e wwllk aau xjju&al ttaaaitued niuoate isi tllUe tt&ty tlio ijgiia'' do dike wa wvwji&ibi oif tthfi dIoiit May tfttlk a ihriiall Cattiove (Ouu the erase (Oiif ttlltkfc kik BKu&iUii a&kdl ttlbe iktll:. llbiLti ituuniBD&tf tfaHD ttto bVe (Otd' jguttuitt uaitltfcwveii affldl xraSiae. Hit 5 ikGigutwll olkutt a giwondl EiiUMiHner Hncvfllb 4' iBw jxwsiiwtg; mem amwll ytwujBi wflUBCKemi bbjuj ohtmn the tluoiOHncia a a luiitii'iili ouivet&iSr sf a pasit &f thtfo wmk 51. A, Glake-