10 THE HESPERIAN colleges that happen to belong to the order. If any of you were about to be examined for life insurance, the plrysician would ask you all about your brothers and sisters. You could not escape him by saying one brother is as strong as Sandow, while the rest of the family arc small, weak and some even have consumption. And this is about the sort of a family the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity boasts; a few flourishing and powerful while a score .'ire weak and diseased. Are wu to be judged by the company we keep? Hut to put the matter in another way. With considerable assistance I have been able to rank these P. B. K. schools compar ing them with Donne and our own Uni versity. Seven of these P. B. K. colleges rank lower than Donne; eight rank about wilh Doanc; twelve more are better than Donne, buc fall far short of the our University; three rank about even with our University and but six Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Uni versity of Pcnn., and John Hopkins out rank the University of Nebraska. Is it not more reasonable to say we rank with the eight schools which are on a par with Doanc, or the seven which about equal Wcsleyan than it is to assert we now rank along with the six schools which arc grentcr than ours? Is it not just possible the P. B. K. professors thought of this, and may this not be the reason 'why they kept so very still about the great predominance of one-horse Universities of which two-thirds of P. B. K. is composed? If I remember rightly a short time ago, in our local Oratorical Association, a resolu solution was passed voicing the sentiment of the whole University and declaring that the University of Nebraska should seek schools of Its own rank to compete with. It was the unanimous opinion that honor did not come from such fellowship as we now have in the State Association. A committee is now at work trying to form an Oratorical Association with equals. Since this is the sentiment of ihe school, what shall we do in regard to these other paragons with whom we are now bound and must be classed? Call them "world's Universities" if you will, but face the facts. But you say we should have looked this up before P. B. K. came here taht we had plenty of time to find out what it was. We had no reason to look the matter up. Time and again the gentlemen who were interest ed in getting P. B. K. here asserted it was a sign of greatness; and they were very careful to mention only the large and famous colleges in the order. Is it a natural con clusion that our professois arc deceiving us or only telling a half truth? We had every reason to believe exactly what they said nn til we learned the facts when a mere list of P. B. K. schools was sufficient to utterly refute their assertions. Why was it the powers that be, kept so very quiet about this score of insignificant schools and simply hcarldcd the fame of Yale, Har vard., etc? It looks to me like a deliberate plan to mislead us, so that they could get a ribbon, a piece of tinsel and a gecgaw that pleased their fancy in fact, that P. B. K. was bronght here under an apparently deliberate and intentional mistatcment of the facts. But if it was only the ribbon and the tinsel that they hare brought to our school it would not concern barbarians in the least. Every one of the worth members of P. B. K. can wind as many yards of tinsel about his middles aa does a Zulu chief without one whit of difference to us. But when they foist upon our school an aristocracy and more than one man has admitted to me the P. B. K. was an aris tocracywhen they give us an institution, that where ever it has been tried has de generated into a system of gross favoritism; an institution that one of its own members in our faculty styles "a leg pulling machine;" then, fellow barbarians, you have a right, you have a duty to object. Mr. Editor I do object not only to the way P. B. K. was bronght here, but to P. B. K. in and of itself. Luther J. Abuott jr.