The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 11, 1896, Page 3, Image 3
S2HLC1 THE HESPERIAN boautiful Dolsarto form Ajax is with us. Could ovon the greediest Olivor Twist ask for moro ? And yet there is more more galore. As the chancellor casually remark ed in chapel the other day: uIf I could not bo a Weaver I would bo a Quaintance," and tho surging throng cheered tulmultous ly. But Nebraska is not oven reduced to such a choice glorious though it would be. It is not a case of how happy we would bo with either, but how happy wo aro with both. For Hadley W. Quaintance is with us. Ho will lond his presence and voice and persuasive ways and active sympathy to tho good work of snatching victory from tho haughty southerners. And when Hadley W. goes out after any prizo that depends on linguistic attainments ho generally gathers it in. Everybody who knows anything at all knows that. And this time Quaintanco is not only going after tho prize, ho is up with it, has passed it, is alroady three fur longs in advance of it and what ho doesn't know about Switzerland and popular rights isn't in tho books or magazines the librar ian knows that. Added to these tried and tempered war riors there is an ornamental pieco of furniture in tho person of ye humble scribe, whoso good naturo and porsonal attractions will add good form and eclat to tho occasion. In all it will bo an event long to bo re membered. It is to bo hoped that tho best of preparations will bo at onco instituted so that tho distinguished visitors may bo suit ably received and pamporod and carod for before being led off to oxecution. In tho words of our ox-Ohancollor, lot us wolcomo them with bloody hands to a hos pitable grave. Omaha Medical College. The address delivered by Chancellor Mac Lean at the commencement exercises of tho Omaha Medical College last Tuesday calls attention to a nourishing school in our me tropolis. "Wo desire to call attontion of Hesperian readers to its advertisement on page 14. Tho school is well conducted and tho excellent results obtainod couKl only bo oxpoctod from tho able faculty that havo it in charge. Thoso intonding to study modi cino will make no mistake by taking thoir course at tho O. M. 0. The businos management of tho Hes perian will bo pleased if delinquent sub scriptions bo paid at once. Please scttlo at Co-op. or with managers. This should bo attended to. Tho Young Womons Christian Associa tion gavo tho following program in Uni versity chapel Saturday ovening, April 4: Violin Trio.. .Misses Cleaver, Huchins and Post Lotus Esters Tennyson Read by Miss Sinoyer, Pantomine by Misses Hartruflf, Wilkinson and Stewart. Vocal Solo Miss Griggs Sappho. Read by Miss Sadie Smith. Illus trated by: Sappho Helen Malthewson Ermina : 1 Marian Noyse' Damophyla Marie Pollard Phaon Jennie Smails Attendants Jean Tuttle, Ena Ricketts, Helen Harwood. Piano Solo Miss May Olson "He and She." Read by Miss Smoyer, panto mine by Miss Wilkinson. Vocal Solo Carl Tucker Crowning of Easter. Thanksgiving Day E. Irene Davison Christmas Maud Atkinson Good Friday Theodora Duman Easter Nellie Griggs Address to Easter Grace Broady Mrs. Manning, owing to illness, could not bo presont and hor reading in tho num bor, "Ho and Sho," was givon by Miss Smoyor. Mr. Tucker sang a solo in placo of a rocitation which was to havo boon givon by Miss Josophino Lottridgo, who could not bo prosont. Tho musical numbers wore all vory ploasing, as was attostod by tho hoarty applause. Tho readings wore exceptionally good, tho acting graceful and effective, and wiib frequently applaudod. Tho entertain mont roflected much credit to thoso who participated in tho program and ' on tho association.