' J1 '! !"W"JJ' IJmww i ii mmmuMm I MIW II LADIES' UNDERWEAR IVI E N 'jtip E R W E A R LADIESfdSfERY MEN'S HOSIERY LADIES' CLOAKS DRESS GOODS We claim to be headquar ters for STUDENTS' DRILL CLOVES .ul utility. : pull's fur ',tv LADIES' QgOMES wien's gloves' &jVlillex Sc IFeiiriiS. we nmt ofmm a a SPRING SaiTS They are in Cheviots, Cassimeres, luincy Worsteds, t NICELY MADE, BEST LININGS, GOOD FITTERS, WE MAKE THEM OURSELVES ... ri "EXAMINE OUR STOCK. iM-owMN'G-, King $& fQ4 JO 13 O STREET. Afoe England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston, Mass. 1. Has insured llve.s-lor over filt years. 2. Endorses cash and paid-up values on every policy. 3. Pays every policy at definite age. 4. Manages its business most conservatively. Onion, 10 AVulnli.l'utiiiHii Itlk , Cnriivr I ltd mill ) IMinnn JJH. Policy op urn- insurance PmirDBNOffi-In Youth. FaioxKaxxoaff in Manhood. Pmnxtt In Old Age G. W. NOBLE, WaVJVg'ER,