The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 11, 1896, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE HESPERIAN WEBSTER & ROGERS, 1043 o. . FRANCIS BROS.' WE HAVE ALL THE UP-TO-DATE STYLES IN FINE FOOT WEAK ThflTttlo Is One of the Latest. Call and see them. Short Order II - ' & toawtskO d OPEN ALL NIGHT. $3 Commutation Ticket for $2.75. 1 5 cent Meals a Specialty. 1418 O Street THE commit wnino mux Corner nth and R. Will seat 80 people. Regular board at $2.50. Tickets $3 Omaha fledical College. Omaha, Nebraska. The Sixteenth Annual session will com mence October 1st, lbi6, and continue twenty-ix weeks. All departments of Medicine and Surgery are represented in the Courses of instruction which extend over a period of four years. Entrance and graduation requirements are in accord with the Association of American Medical Colleges and the various State Boards of Health. Instruction is given by means of Becita tions and Lectures. Laboratory work in Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Histology Pathology and Bactorialogy; and Clinics in the Douglas county, Omaha, Immanuel, Clarkson and Presbyterian hospitals and also n the large College out-door Dispensary. Fees for each Course of Lectures, 05.00. For particulars and catalogue address, W. O. BRIDGES, M. D., 118 N. Eighteenth St Omaha. Neb. jQtimesotrtof JQ The New York Journal recently of fered ten bicycles to the ten winners in a guessing contest, leaving the choice of machine to each. ALL CHOSE Cblttmfoia Bicycles Nine immediately, and one after he had looked at others. The Journal therefore bought TEN Columbias at $100 each. On even terms a ColirmKa will be dueax TEN times out of TEN. POPE MANUFACTURING CO. HARTFORD, CONN. 1896 Art Catalogue for two 2-ccnt stamp. THE GUL10K BAKERY 1211 O Street Headquarters for Fine Candies, Bread, Cakes, and Pies of all kinds. Oysters in all styles and Bakery. Lunch. Finest Lunch room in the city. Ice Cream and Ices. We make the famous tin tag bread. Phone 198. Becker Mjirtin.