The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 11, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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Got that new style hair-cut at Wosterfield's.
The clay modeling claBS has begun its
The Y. M. 0. A. is organizing a double
Mr. P. E. Strain is confined to his bed
by a severe attack of typhoid fever.
Miss Woods, who was called home by
the illness of her sister, has returned.
Dental parlors of Dr. Hodgman over liar
ley's. Reduced price to students.
Miss Shackloton has recovered from a
severe illness and is again in her class.
The Maxwell club has arranged with the
P. B. D. C. for a joint debate in the near
Miss Melick has been employed to teach
a part of the classes heretofore instructed by
Prof. Bates.
W. L. Williams went to Fairbury Mon
day to help vote down the high license
system in that town.
Mr. J. H. Hatfield, class '94: of the col
lege of law, has been doing some valuable
work during the past week toward bringing
about municipal reform.
Messrs. C. L. Spencer and S. A. White
were iniated into the Phi Kappi Psi frater
nity last week. The boys report that the
goat was a hard one to ride.
Students! Do you know that you ought to
have your pictures taken? The Elite Studio
ia atill ruudy to give )ou the bust work at
the lowest prices. 22G South 11th street.
The Palladian boj's debuting club hold
their election Saturday evening. Mr. Perry
was elected president, Mr. Turner vice
president, Mr. Sloan secretary and treas
urer, Mr. Hauson sargeaut at arms.
Mr. Moody, '95, passed through hero on
his way home from the Denver Medical
College, which he has been attending the
past year. A considerable number of his
friends from the University weie at the
train and enjoyed a Bhort talk with him.
The P. B. D. C. and U. B. D. 0. have
arranged for a joint debate April 11th.
Messrs. Taylor, Smoyer aad Perry of the
Palladian club will maintain that "English
shall grant Houbo Rule to Ireland," while
the Union club, represented by Messrs. L.
0. Abbott, Myer and Strain will try to
prove the contrary.
Go to Rector's for your soda.
Patronize Westerfiold. He is up to date
on hair cutting.
Miss Grace Allen of Wabash callod at the
University last week.
Removal Osborn's Old Book Store 'to
131 North 12th street.
See Dr. Hodgman for first-class dental
work at very low prices.
Mrs. Dempster, of Beatrice, spent Sun
day with her daughter Mabel.
Dr. O. F. Lambortson, dentist. Special
rates to students. 1207 O street.
Professor Barber treated his class to an
examination in Plantus last Wednesday.
Bicycle saits of all kinds (except ladies)
can be had of Paine Warfel & Bumstead.
Subscribers who have not yet paid their
subscription to TnE Uksi'Euian are requested
to do so.
Students! You should know that Ode
Rector's soda fountain has started full-blast.
Which will you have, hot or cold.
Chancellor MucLoan delivered the an
nouncement oration before the graduating
class of the Omaha Medical College at the
Boyd opera house last Tuesday.
J. W. Searson was appointed clerk of
election Tuesday, and he now says he is
ready for another trip to Doaue as his
pocket book is replenished.
Messrs. White and Sedgwick departed
Monday for Cleveland to represent the
local chapter at the national convention of
the Phi Kappi Psi fraternity.
Students! Do you know that you ought to
have your pictures taken? The Elite Studio
is still ready to give you the best work at
the lowest prices. 22G South 11th street.
The Commandant marched the batulliou
out into the northern part of the city last
Monday evening and drilled them on the
bottoms among weeds, tin cans and dead
English 4 can no longer boast of its
mammoth proportions. The big clasB like
OaeBar's gaul is divided into three parts,
each of which meet every third week at the
regular hour.
E. R. Guthrie, 1540 O street, the reliable
bicycle man, can mend your wheel In ishort
order and the right way. If you want a,
Rambler call on him they're 'the 'best
The profs, all ride 'em.