The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 18, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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cd look in her eyes. She spoke so little.
"The scribbler" said he lost command of his
eloquence before her. Only Uncle Bob of
us all, had jolly words and jokes for Din
gus, which made the strange wrinkled laugh
on his face again. And for his mother,
there was always that wonderful child's
It seemed to rest there when he lay in his
coffimn the bare room with the sunshine steal
ing through softly and falling on the flowers
we had brought. It was Sunday, so all the
store people were there. Uncle Bob looked
silent and stony in the black suit in which
wc hardly knew him. "The scribbler"
never looked up but once and that was when
the little motVer of Dingus slipped across
the room to where Mike was sitting with
his head on his arms over the back of the
chair, and laid her hand softly on his
shoulder. Flora Bullock.
Y. M. C. A. Social.
Bryan Addresses the Silver Club.
The regular annual business meeting and
social of the Yonng Mens Christian Associa
tion was held in their cozy parlors on Satur
day evening, March 1. The officers elected
for the ensuing year are: President, D. M.
Davis; vice-president, R. P. Teele; record
ing secretary, John Boose; corresponding
secretary, J. fl. Kuhns; treasurer, R. D.
Hunt. The rejKrts of the various commit
tees were then read, showing effi
cient progress along all lines of Christian
work. After the business meeting, a gene
ral reception was held, and a truly social
hour was enjoyed. This was terminated by
the informal banquet presided over by Toast
master Kuhns. Nuts and jokes were crack
ed and the candy was properly disposed of.
Everyone present seemed at his best; the
spirit of jolly good fellowship ran high; and
the maximum of real true social enjoyment
was closely approximated. The association
then discussed favorably a number of enter
prising association projects among which
were tne organization of a wheel clnb, tennis
club, base ball nine, etc. Cap turned out
the lights that night on a happy, earnest
band of co-workers for the master.
Hon. W. J. Bryan discussed the "Retire
ment of the Greenbacks" to a magnificent
gathering of students on last Tuesday night.
The chapel was well filled when Presi
dent Koenigstein of the Silver League called
the meeting to order and introduced the dis
tinguished speaker. Mr. Bryan entered at
once upon the discussion of his subject. He
opposed the retirement of the greenbacks
because it was gross favoritism in the interest
of banking corporations. The people were
denied privileges that were extended to
money syndicates by those entrusted with
legislation. The speaker explained the or-,
ganization of National banks and pointed
out clearly how a banker may buy govern
ment bonds, and then issue bank notes to the
amount of ninety per cent of the bonds and
draw interest both on the bonds and the
ninety per cent circulation. A private in
dividual can buy bonds but he cannot issue
notes against those bonds and draw interest
on the notes as the banks do. He vigor
ously opposed such a system for it was
opposed to the first great declaration of in
dependence that "all men arc created equal."
For the same reason he opposed the sub
treasury scheme recently advocated in the
west and sou,h. Mr. Bryan quoted from
Wendell Phillips, the great champion of
freedom, to sustain his position. He de
nounced the policy of this administration in
paying out gold on all obligations when
demanded, and proved from the recent
utterences of Sherman and Carlisle that if
it had not been begun it would now be un
necessary. He explained the "endless
chain" that permits a holder of greenbacks
to present them to the treasury department
and draw out gold to purchase bonds.
When bonds are sold the gold is put into
the reserve again and the note holder again
presents greenbacks and gets the gold to
buy more bonds and the same gold is again
put into the reserve and the people compell
ed to pay interest on the bonds. The only
ones that profit are the bankers that buy the