Beautiful new suitings for Spring . . . xtwrnm Have arrived in the original package from (aaloshiels, Scotland, and Huddersfield, "Eng land. We have the latest colorings in Ghev fots, Bannockhurns and Worsteds. Now is the time to order Spring goods so as to secure the best service and choicest patterns. fflffi, WARFEL & BUMSTEAD 5 -TAWRS AND CLOTHIERS. 113 O Street EVANS ,J, iH. (EVAtNS, iRresft demit. C. (C, fQlUJll'GGHUE S-etfty, LAUNDRY 32-3311 iNoirtifo TweMki Street. Telephone 199 . . liVERSITY BOOK STOR tr ..n A AGENT FOR THE phone tea. H27 SOUTH lELBVENTH STREET. COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS' .AiND STUDENTS' SUPPUIES- h. w, m&m, JDvatxrakoamr jjssrss "SBooiEiarEXjXEEJBt