The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 18, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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With the motto 4Cnltnre and Agricul
ture" came a nnmber of little things which
mean advancement, bnt there is one tiling
which has been discontinued apparently;
which, as it seems to'ns might be included
somewhere nnder this motto. We refer to
the oonrse of short chapel addresses which
were so ninch enjoyed nnder the old regime.
By a little foresight an interesting scholar
from some other institution conld occasion
ally be arranged with for a naif honr address
which wonld be highly appreciated by the
stndents. At every snch address last year
standing room was even sought by those
professors who had never before fonnd Same
to attend chapel.
Let lis have a few bright, snappy talks,
it wall do ns as mnch good as the regnlar
A Woman's Condemnation.
Died on Wednesday, March 30, at his
home in Abingdon, MO., W. R. Hardy,
formerly of XT. of 2?. but at the time of has
death a stndent of Ann Arbor, Mich., "9?.
The rapper classmen and parti enlarly those
who linew him best will leaiii the above
with much regret.
The deceased entered school here at the
XJmi. in the spring of 3, and returned again
in the fall when he was made bnsiness anan
aigarof this 'paper which position he held
rantil his departure some months later for
Aim Arbour, which school he entered ax
the reqnest of his parents. ILate last fail! he
taeooinpanied the Ann Arbor foot-baltl team
on their trip to Chicago, and visited hie
parents while there. On the trip he con
tracted a severe cold which later attacked
his Dungs and so affected him that he fell a
wSdSm of the fever which terminated! his life.
While here he was Iknown as a promising
student and valuable friend. Iw business
matters he was miost sagacious, and gained
the goad wuffl of sthe best merchants of the
aty, through his heenese and integrity.
The avelatives of the -deceased student have
the deepest sytrnpuahy of the Mekkbmjos and
of his anany friends an the University of
A woman, I must watch; and seeing, feel
What be 'my friend can only learn.
I saw ym, when you spoke smooth words to him,
Hide in your eyes the light of greed:
I saw yon; and knew yon well for what yon are.
Yon bought my friend's good will
With honeyed words. Sincere ibey sounded
Yon said you were his friend;
And be believed you: be is but a boy;
Hedoes not know true words from false.
He tbought roe weak when I would try to warn
And Jell him of your lying ways.
You said you were bis friend;
Then sold him in the mart of politics
For less than Judas sold the Christ;
And be, your faith-blind friend cannot beleive
You guilty of a trust betraj'ed.
Great God 1 Were 3 a man; and this
The Age of Chivalry, not an hour would pass
Before I challenged you to fight
A death-fight. knoiraig well youricunniag woald
Give way ao fear and you, branded
What you are, would shrink away and Hde,
Unable So deccave with words.
J. A. Sxsa&ir
Chester L. Tallmadge, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. F. Tallmadge, of Geneva, Ne
braska, and Carrie I. Castor, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Castor of this city,
were nnited in marriage March 11, at uoon,
by the IBev. F. S. Stein, at the home of t3je
brides parents an the Salsbnry block. In
addition to the parents of the bride and
groom there were present a number of (rela
tives from out of ihe city. A 2:13 the
bridaS pair tool the Bm-33ngton for the east,
and after a brief tonr they will retana to this
city, which as to be tiLcAr fwtmre hoise.
StaU Jowmdl.
The grooiH on this wedding has been rarell
Imown as a stmdeat in the UJaMverdty and at
one tame had he axosforiaine of being busi
tieBs manager of The HrawrcBiAaL
AllO ''second Bemeaier books can Dowbe
Thad at the Co-Operat5ve TBool: Store.