16 THE HESPERIAN Monarch Bicycles Finest Material Workmanship jj 9 Light, Strong:, Speedy, Handsome. If yon can be satisfied with something- cheaper, the best lower-priced wheel is DEF8AKCE S75, $60, $50, $40, (gf&a5) Every machine pnaranteed. Send for catalogue. MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO., CHICAGO, ILL. 83 Reade Street. NEW YORK. 3 and 5 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO LINCOLN NORMAL UNIVERSITY A University Preparatory Course THAT HAS BEEN FORMALLY ACCEPTED BY THE FACULTY OF THE STATE UNI VERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Wc have some other courses that are not maintained at the State University, ah Normal Course, Pedagogic Course, Telegraphy Course, Business Course, Kindergarten Course, Primary Course, Shorthand Course, Pen Art Course. The students of the University arc cordially invited to visit our classes. Catalogue Scut Free. Hill 31. Bell, PreH. Address LINCOLN NORMAL UNIVERSITY, Normal, Lincoln, Neb i