THE HESPERIAN J NEW MANAGEMENT . 15 NEW FACILITIES Iiracol:ri . . . k Steam 3) Dye ROY DENNEY, PROP. I SUITS, OVERCOATS, OLOAKS, CAPES, SHAWLS and DRESSES ClcMdJColorcd and Nicely Finished) 1105 0 Street. Telephone 456. J We can makc the most of 'our so'leJ and faJed garments. (ta$0kAj(t& MAKERS OF Delicious Candies Ice Crektvi 12th and O., Funkc Opera House blk., Phone CS1. Try Oar Woodland Svcl. tbey , APITAL CAFE I2i North Eleventh St. Reopened by. . . i Francis Bros. AH of oar old student friends are solicited to try our donrn tovn reetauratid. Hacdieel restaurant for tudents in the city. PREWITT The Photographer. 1216 O Street ' ) Cabinet Ffeotos, $2 per dot. little Queens $1 per dot. Satisfaction guaranteed- I Capital Hotel at rei63 p-ste n. it. Jonnson, rrop. HAVE YOU TRIED THE Spencerian Steel Pens? IF NOT JL SAXTJLE CJLMT of the leading mtttmher trill tm juh VBVrrt .m. "ecipt f return pottage, 2 CESTS. THE SPESDfEgllli PK 60.. 810 Braa&ray, New Ywfc PHOTOGRAPHS- Especial attention given to STUDENTS' TRADE. KnowutoNI SWU ijj 2cr ,jv 1026 O STREET. LINCOLN. NEBR.