THE HESPERIAN 13 No Gtiesswork Abotit G)ltimbias i t ii W. ; . ( LJ S&i'b&z )) s. J) Easter Eggs A few .dollars careful' planted .at The Hums axe sure to hatch into .a well, up-to-date suit for Easter. The prettiest styles wifh the choicest trimmings .and finest wortmanship we have ewer shown. Our Spring Suits for j'oung men are gems. Finm -$7.50 to $35 wjj make you the proud .owner .of .one. When wIU you be an? TIE HUB, IM-lDfi SD.IIIttL I ! The Department of Tests or the Pope Manufacturing Com pany, with its Hmery Testing: Machine of 300,090 lbs. capacity, has no superior even among the Govern ment testing stations. "Expert Engineers and MrtallurgistE'waldi fTrrryftring iftiirf j-ntirc 4rrfp Cdtnnliia COQ- tttnictian. There are mo tmtriecl devices an jfae Crihtmtaa. Tiat3BwlryKeJje Colombia Bicycles Standard of tiie World axe Art Catalogue -of fifty-puces lor two s-cent -trtomps. POPE MFG. GO. Haitfan3, Coon, Clorison Telephone 270 oLaundryHrs 330332334"336n3S8 S. 3 3th St- UNCOLN, NEBTL Company