The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, March 03, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Editor HsfERixj "When I received your
invitation to write '"copy" I was somewbat
at a loss for a proper subject. Tlie -question
of debates versus oratorical oontests seems to
be settled by recognizing the utility of both.
Brain versus Brawn seems more appropriate
that tnis lciTid of doctrine is nncbristian,
"narrow. 1 They theorize abont the "Jmver
sal brotherhood of 'man,'" and a society
organized according to tbo gospel of St.
Jobn. What magnificent sonlsl Haven't
we beard tbat voice before? ""The voice is
the voice of Jacob, bat tbe band is the band
of Esan,'" jnst as of old.
The fox said to the hen on the roost,
during tbe base-ball and foot-ball reasons.
Threcyears military "flimflams versns oom- , w 0 wwi T-
mon sense seems to be quietly acquiesced in .. -
s s ,. s really the best friend yon bavo, let ns onioy
by tbe. prep of tbe present generation oarasW etW Bnttbebenwas
But there is one onestion "winch after a loll ..- - ,.. t, , . s -
,, , . . i . - h oil satisneld with her exalted position,
of few years is again breaking ont "with -,, -, . . ., 7 .
JI14S IVItVSlV VtlJ Wl "MM iy V lTO,
some of its old time fervor tbe -question of
Barbarism versns Greek. Here is a -question
as old as tbe rock -ribbed billsof tbe quarter
nary and bids fair to be as everlasting.
While this fraternity "question is not a new
one, tbe present pbase ol it is a new one.
'Woary, perhaps, of tbe warfare of termi
nation there is a new school of sophists
springing np wbo, by penetration "keener, and
insigbt clearer, Lave just discovered tbat tbe
fraternities are the very best friends of the
open literary society.
These sopbists 'would bavo ns 'believe tbat
tbe Greelc of tbe present is a groat improve
ment on the Grcek of the past, and tbat tbey
are -all really good fellows. Mr. Editor, an
Englisbman may be just as good a fellow as
There is one way and but one tbat these
fraternity amendments may be repealed
by supposed barbarians. It bas stood and
will stand like a stone wall 'against tbe most
persistent attacks of its avowed onemies. If
tbey re struck -down it mnst be -done by a
Brutus wbo in tbe name and in the guise
of 'democracy would -destroy democracy.
The 'doors of the open literary society
swing open to all -classes wbo will pledge
loyalty and support to its principles. It
talces in the poor as well as tbe rich, the
prep as well as tbe senior, the male -m well
as tbe female, tlie -cultured as well as tbe nn
orilturod, the black -as well as tbe white. It
bolds no session behind -closed -cloors; it puts
an A-mGrimm. bnt if SWliabrnHn ramme tbe t)0 emium n oppisbneas. Its meetings
right to land upon American soil and retain - a Kaal are open to tbe world,
a :form of government that tends to destroy t tins platform broad enough for our
ours, or in any way to weaken or undermine "UI,i rsul otberbood- friends?
it those beneucjent, whole-souled, broad
guaged reformers are so anxious to go tiibout
the world 2oiug good, why-do tbey not invite
students wbo admit tbey need the society
its "influence, we should turn all the engines
of war upon thorn tbat this great -country
can muster. But tlie 'Greeks o"o more
tfbey, backed by beir faitbful allies, tbe
aforesaid sophists demand tbat we not only W1 " in ftor 2 Iie society Vftl
welcome rbein to our fellowship but tbut we
Change the moBt vital provision in tbe con
stitution in order that tbey may take peace
ful (possession of our strongholds.
2$o sir, -"tbe war must co on."rt It rmust
need? There are several bundred students
wbo would join willingly perhaps if tt'here
were room. Students too, wbo do mot owe a
bigbor allegiance to -auotber organization.
In -short, wby try tbe experiment tbat
?go on 'until -democracy becomes triumpbarit in tbe ipast bas led to but one result f allure,
everywbere. The'auti-f ratornlty amendment invariable mud 'irreparable. If tbe Sfrater
w'ill ts'taud so long ias 'liere tare (five Jloyal nlfies wish to onjqy tbe benefits of the open
barbarians Sn eacli society. 'They 'tell ub Uiterary societies wiry -do tbey not organize