Beautiful new suitings for Spring; . . . Have arrived in the original package from Galoshiels, Scotland, and Huddersfield, Eng land. We have the latest colorings in Chev iots, Bannockburns and Worsteds. Now is the time to order Spring goods so as to secure the best service and choicest). patterns. PAINE, WARFEL & BUMSTEAD, -TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. 1136 O Str t. EVANS... J. H. EVANS, President. C. C. CUICCLE, Sec'y. LAUNDRY COMPANY 327-331 North Twelfth Street. Telephone 199 .. . UNIVERSITY BOOK AGENT FOR THE WftTeRMftN FOUNTAIN FeN. PHONE 60. 127 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET. COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS AND STUDENTS' SUPPLIES- H. W. PROWN,