THE HESPERIAN the constitution is the promotion of schol arship and friendship among students and graduates of American colleges. In this purpose members are elected without any distinction as to age, sex or nation "primarily from the best scholars of the graduating classes: secondly from the graduates whose original work entitles them to such honor. and lastly from any persons distinguished in letters, science or education or of literary or scientific tastes,"' the only farther qualifica tion being good character. In furtherance of its ends Phi Beta Kappa holds a limited number of regular meetings and usually also an. annnaH reunion which is disjnificd bv an address from some speaker of prominence. "like exact plans of the Nebraska chapter are satiaially tanceirtain as yet, but Chancellor GanfieSd Baas already been naenttaoned as but first orator. Ssch. literary holidays as Phi Beta Kappa celebrates are most happily treated by Edward Everett in his criticism of tw PM Beta Kappa, orators,, imi one of rissdb Story Btterwi his fassiosts defense of ttbe Mghesr edocctioxi of woaaaam. T&e stlmnl;as oSesn&i by PM Beta Kappa to evemr sttoSeait 5s iia favor of Baiadb scholar $Mp actd ls iafioEDOs oei mmfencrisOEate Bife sua ttlbe oaflBegca acwl tasiivesraitiies of the east Ibas bsm sdmcatg amd EEa!;nIvocalL It cosines to as as a poweriinl ageaney four ffiwfcd, a IbeDp amwil imspoRStsiOo fftwr mniircnaity wock, aod sis fetalis m jJveSwnasia snh5dh will tSepifcowI icpraa ttlbe atrtsto&e ttakesi towards st, 5s to asiy ms&& albfciifly aiEKcr&i- TDhose wbo uqxdM Ib&aw totf its Tfrawkiags 5e Itlbe Mr gHayna&fes otf the eaKt w513 tSswS tixiJiD m&otanl&i iba akasatft evtary Moaj&y f ttlbs sexas Jtf t&xotiifi SoiitiijhalikwuK- Pmawwitt, IjQtttgfrflkrsr, JLorandHL, ffjkifa&fl, CtontS, sgsieak Mf tiibe FM aia Kajjsfxa -wvtlk psS aa at&a tt&s&L "Ows ttH)fott5i!ia) it astaie njjsa a CaS IBrcfglttifommi b (Cisnsabkgily toM &b MasnrasnS cMffl&ge Iby aaa Oziosjfaiai. 2Rn. Jinu. Ear-. fal 24. sikuve ytsra giiH a Ijteydle ais ttlba Eaaiaaigiar tatf tilhe MaanasEajUK. W io) attilll yjn a IWigJk Miss Certiss Eotertaias. The officers of the Oratorical Association were pleasantly entertained by Miss Ourtiss at her home in South Lincoln, Saturday evening, February 3. Miss Mable Dempster assisted in entertain ing and received at the door. The house was prettily decorated with cut flowers and potted plants. The early part of the eve ning was spent in games and word puzzles: then came the chief amusement of the evening. The hostess had evidently borrowed a millinery store for the occasion, judging from the amount of raw material produced. Each young lady had been secretly charged to bring a needle and thread, which at the proper moment was given to their respective escorts. The company then adjourned to a room where, piled upon the table, were hats of all shapes, feathers in profusion, and rolls of ribbon that did, and some that did sot tnaifcfg. It is safe to saj that the selection which followed was more hasty than careful, acd afforded keen amusement to the yoenig BadEes at least. The problem was to so arrange a jodsesGRS amosiBit of the material that it would present the appearamee of a bat. The result was eight Tnmiine and inwilEvidoal styles. Souse of tthesn might be falrfy termed creatBonis.,,? Tfiae fact that Mr. Sear&Mu M& trot s&esare ttJLe lA&oby pc5ze wais ot dee to his lack of tt&iue, bst rju&ib&r to ami cisordioate desire to s&tnsne aM the naasfleriall 5ei sight. A a cosa sjafmeisjce Eue wa wmMe to ffimnih hk deagoL Mir. McCaathy stoaoaaJeJ 5m EMcsitteiaiuBig baifl iBiiMiBarj to sxsdb a degree ttSaat tike Jaa&gjes gave Mm ttlks buwjby prize. C. M. Baiznr wi ansiifomtazafciite eej the graad vmk tor mch&rh h&t this paribns wxs am ffitauBf iteat ffaxttor i&i Me ssmcaiis dqi vriwmug, ttiie prize at Weast o4' tdI5pE. A lb$A. duspea" tobs sjarvei by it&e BwMdeaai aauaulafl by Mr. Ctetiiav, adftar vsMeh the ana Ifcorasr oa" fflKe to Kstesd ewavHiiBig ezpjer Esib ffavoffli giaitxcaa $ tlba yanaaig Eseai- T6 dKnaaa; caaaa vribtai, wfetiEa tt&e Bigjfe ttmted