The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 01, 1896, Page 12, Image 12

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Blxby's Retreat.
'Tis true some shadows 'crossed Tny path, as fast
I rode my hobby
If you would be well informed, read "Drift- I had to vent unrighteous wrath, by swearing
wood.' the Tournal Almanac, and last week's loud at 'Bobby.'
This column will be henceforth assiduously re
tained as advertising space. All grievances con
sequent thereto must be respectfully submitted to
So when election day recurred in Union-Delian
Of able men if friends preferred I'd try 'to fget
the earth
I was defeated in my plan. Oh! 'twas aibitter'ill,
TVir fhpv didn't thinL- T w.i t-hp 'mnn .nrrnin 'tn
the fighting editor who will return from Siberia . ' , ,,
ilater in the season.
Of all the games of folly that ye scribe can call to
A 'lot of hatless co-eds play the most outlandish
I saw a group of co-eds come, tossing their bare
heads naughtily
When last year's barb-frat fight drew nigh, we
reckoned vengeance sweet.
"Ve barbs, with leaders such as I, must get 'there
with both feet.
Each night in evening's gathering gloom, as I
was "Fifth Ward Boss"
Two other braves stole to my room to help 'me
stew frat sauce.
A little senior led the troupe a junior followed Wfi laced ft ticket m th(J fidld nor couH we ,now
with a whoop, trn Wl.
As;downthewalkIsawthemSwoop,Scorningthe A Jnst th(J Greeks 1 ould n)t yida w-hile I
north wind haughtily, b r.ntlid hnld the sank.
Then came the day 1 see you frown that 'day
And each one munched her chewing gum.
Alter, a troupe of spectres came dancing a cancan
A ,1,-e fir W1 th nn nn,1 nftnr Mm n "OKCU l"-',r CI)S r more-
j ,, Defeat inspired relentless blues, for I was 'on'the
UIUKK'SI- tun , ,.
"lUlnlofnH'winrr thpc n rriffin mnn .rlnllinrl ;nt ease SHUI,
"'""- .!, ..,.. ..... .-.
of strife and gore,-
Those Greeks in fiendish glee stood round and
licked their chops tor more.
As if -convinced he'd win 'the igame.
klsie's concession.
My name is pretty Elsie; my brainisHikeaibrick;
Myipetname, you may well see, is"I,jc,'ftgo,!Ich.'"
II once had heaps of "Courage:" I did my very
il sawed the air with ardor and won the "Pal"
Imext unreined ambition in the P. iB. D. C.
nission'to'lead tovii
I wore out three new pairs of siiocs, with which
I kicked myself.
Bright hopes the darkest blues survive, .and sun
light gilds each dream.
So I thought once more 1 should strive ito jpro
mulgate a scheme.
With joy ecstatic was I filled, my wounds ftoipour
sweet balm on,
If I could get the barbs to build a fine 'large lhall
in common
The hall once on the campus, as mujcstic'ly lit
No struggle then can dump us the bird is incur
. iitiiiiil:
Where clearly 'twas my mission to lead to victory. . t T " t , . , , , .. .,
So gaily did I lead the 'ring' in fiendish joy and But when that I)lan re(ju1,rcd ,hard work mV llove
mride grew strangely cold.
When lo! ray latest born offspring in health -and l stlU, rctfct T had to Wrk-there was mo sack 'to
And I confess 'that since I left the Pal Boys 'Club Now ther lands the ProJect Push wUh 'treasury
The club revived, of me bereft, and lord how it Me thinks &et b in the ruh before ihc
has grown.
This year the fight occurred again, Ibut il was mot
I then took the Hesperian andipunhedutsipdinted consulted,
quill The barb ranks sought more loyal urien, and ibafb
And as high chief agrarian, indexed 'barbarian will. 'triumph resulted.
I dipped my pen in bitt'rest gall that gall was I mow confess it'boystoyou, youlhavetme'onithe
all my own rack
1 saw my fiercest Toernen 'fall I 'viewed 'the Ifield But I wouldn't feel , just as 1 do, iif I lhad '.held fthe
corpse-strown. sack.