TRE HESPERIAN BLvby's Retreat, Robber's Roost? ? ?-Password,"Mum." Man wants but little here below But wants that little bad .-3. A. Maguiro. If one and all would vur a shawl Tlie iiuimIIcvs dc alts were fewer. I wish I h ul n green Scotch plaid Like that of "Prof" Barbour. HIC JC'.T ATHJ.ETiOS. That hirbmms game, foot-lull, must go; The hull fight i-, tabooed. Our basket-ball and "shinny" too Are far too rough and nxl.- Tiio bloo ly duel we must forbear No more we'll bealp the Freshmen rare; But we will Mudy human nature In the Gaunt Hill in the L-gislature. A VBHITaBLE bAM&OX. The Sophomores have a pjv-ident Since lit vxt.y .-nt his h.ii Prof. Peterson's a resident. Since Hawxby cut his hair. The wM Nccnij greatly widened now Since H twxbj cut his hair. The family have had no rmv Siuce Hawxby cut hi, hair. Athletic debt grow biger, too Since Hawxby cut hi hair. nJiuaon rends the Maxwell crew inee Hawxby cut hift Jiair. New Ooi-ey (,., ,, wi,ifckew yrmv Since Hawxby cut his hair. And there ;,re thin that I dorTl know Since Hawxliy cut his hair. MV QDAXDARY I g U, i'.uwliij La. an hour AnddottnioPfeych aliile Andiiiou I take aliouia week The to to reconcile, WK tNVl you. feUjiTiiy closes all I please And half my work IV dm,,. "woulflnUniakealuUifdlir, If fatimrwere a Pop Plwk t!,i l'f as s-nootlh as oil Ai.fl wp lUmmuh m.-o a mouse, A7 "'" rfaus Just once a -weok, Jirlud-re in the house. I'd h,w the Chance Iliad poll Wu Omaha or Benuet; "KotmyA.B right away iw were in the seuate. 'gutwyn.D oextJuiie J'rtjniyiiifll and -imtwn taint LADIES FACUI.Tr ItEFIXEKY I haven't been out to a single reception Siuce I've been in the old Uni But I've had to nip pleasures right in their in ception And to "dig" as the days paSP(l by. But on Saturday night I will don the best clothes I can borrow from any kind friend. With Holliugworth's smile and Pinkerton's pose A real pleasant evening I'll spend. Perhaps after that I wont be such a "grind" When my "Western Ouliur-" becomes more refined. Exchange. A bill has boon recently introduced in the Georgia legi.-lalure to prohibit play ing foot-ball in that state. The chapel services at Cornell are so interesting that seats have to be reserved for the students on account o the large attendance. Ex. Seventeen out of the twenty-seven be longing to the students' congress at the University of California have decided that co-education is not desirable. The Junior class of Michigan Univer sity are arranging to publish this year 1he iuoM elaborate Michiganensian ever issued by the Junior class of that uui-vei-sity. A recent issue of the Nebraska Weslyan contains a vigorous, pointed editorial on the subject of Wesryans re-entering the state oratorical association. Wcsleyan is still firmly convinced that there is a place for oratorical contests as well as for joint debates. Greater interest is manifest this year than over before, in the university of Kansas concerning the inier-collegiate debate with Nebraska. Active prepa ration for the annual contest, to be held at Lawrence about the first of May have already begun. A. KRONER, Tht-s "Leading Tlattt'i & Furnisher A -complete assortment of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Un derwear, Hosiery, etc., at popular prices. M s: y 4 H 3 jo pr. ct. Dis. to Students. 939 O St M