The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 22, 1896, Image 11
a CAPITAL 'Ilifplaci'lujji-t Ihm Hsu lo:ml ill ivumhiuIiIc prices. I i4i Do You Eaty Then go to the .in Domestic Dining Hall . r. -I2QO P Street. Meals ioc or Tickets lor 21 Mtjiiks $2.00. GOOD STUDENT WAITERS, Everything Neat, Good and Home-like. ED IF. LEMOTT, Proprietor fhtitaphs. HOTEL Knowlton &1 Co. 1026 0 Street, LINCOLN, NEB. Silver Medal awarded at Photographers' id w t rt r National Convention. .Jamestown, K. W. Johnson, Prop. x. Y., .luno, You make a mistake If you do not buy shoes of us during our flid Winter Clearing Sale. We have some of the best bargains ever offered. WEBSTER & ROGERS, vm-ii O Si. reel, Lincoln, Nobraslui. Two Trains Daily To Nebraska City, Atchison, Kansas Ciity, Saiut Louis, A-r,,-i -,11 It-,c Rnurth. lEasi and West P' D C0RNELL, C, P. & T. A., 1210 O Str.